Represents a business, person or other entity who creates and manages ads on Facebook. Multiple people can manage an account, and each person can have one or more levels of access to an account, see Business Manager API.
In response to Apple’s new policy, we are announcing breaking changes that will affect SDKAdNetwork, Marketing API and Ads Insights API endpoints.
To learn more about how Apple’s iOS 14.5 requirements will impact Facebook advertising, visit our Business Help Center aricles and changelog:
The agency_client_declaration
field requires Admin privileges for all operations starting with v10.0 and will be required for all versions on May 25, 2021.
You can view the volume of ads running or in review for your ad accounts. These ads will count against the ads limit per page that we will enact in early 2021. Query the number of ads running or in review for a given ad account.
Ad Limit Per Page enforcement begins for when a Page reaches its ad limit enforcement date. Enforcement date can be queried here.
When a Page is at its ad limit:
To see the ads volume for your ad account:
curl -G -d "access_token=<access_token>" "<API_VERSION>/act_<ad_account_ID>/ads_volume"
The response looks like this:
For information on managing ads volume, see About Managing Ad Volume.
To see if an ad is running or in review, we check effective_status
, configured_status
, and the ad account's status:
of 1
- active
, we consider it a running or in review.configured_status
of active
and effective_status
of 9
- pending review
, or 17
- pending processing
we consider it a running or in review.1
- active
, 8
- pending settlement
, 9
- in grace period
. We also determine if an ad is running or in review based on the ad set's schedule.
For example, if the ad set is scheduled to run in the future, the ads are not running or in review. However if the ad set is scheduled to run from now until three months from now, we consider the ads running or in review.
If you are using special ads scheduling features, such as day-parting, we consider the ad running or in review the whole day, not just for the part of the day when the ad starts running.
We’ve added the show_breakdown_by_actor
parameter to the act_123/ads_volume
endpoint so you can query ad volume and ad limits-related information for each page. For more details, see Breakdown by Actors.
For example, query for all ad sets in this ad account:
use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdSetFields;
$account = new AdAccount('act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>');
$adsets = $account->getAdSets(array(
foreach ($adsets as $adset) {
echo $adset->{AdSetFields::NAME}.PHP_EOL;
from facebookads.adobjects.adaccount import AdAccount
from facebookads.adobjects.adset import AdSet
account = AdAccount('act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>')
adsets = account.get_ad_sets(fields=[])
for adset in adsets:
APINodeList<AdSet> adSets = new AdAccount(act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>, context).getAdSets()
curl -G \
-d 'fields=name,configured_status,effective_status' \
-d 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adsets
Limit | Value |
Maximum number of ad accounts per person | 25 |
Maximum number of people with access, per ad account | 25 |
Maximum number of ads per regular ad account | 6,000 non-archived non-deleted ads |
Maximum number of ads per bulk ad account | 50,000 non-archived non-deleted ads |
Maximum number of archived ads per ad account | 100,000 archived ads |
Maximum number of ad sets per regular ad account | 6,000 non-archived non-deleted ad sets |
Maximum number of ad sets per bulk ad account | 10,000 non-archived non-deleted ad sets |
Maximum number of archived ad sets per ad account | 100,000 archived ad sets |
Maximum number of ad campaigns per regular ad account | 6,000 non-archived non-deleted ad campaigns |
Maximum number of ad campaigns per bulk ad account | 10,000 non-archived non-deleted ad campaigns |
Maximum number of archived ad campaigns per ad account | 100,000 archived ad campaigns |
Maximum number of images per ad account | Unlimited |
An ad account is an account used for managing ads on Facebook
Finding people with access to this account:
use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\UserFields;
$account = new AdAccount('act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>');
$users = $account->getUsers();
foreach ($users as $user) {
echo $user->{UserFields::ID}.PHP_EOL;
from facebookads.adobjects.adaccount import AdAccount
from facebookads.adobjects.adaccountuser import AdAccountUser
account = AdAccount('act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>')
users = account.get_users()
for user in users:
APINodeList<AdAccountUser> adAccountUsers = new AdAccount(act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>, context).getUsers()
curl -G \
-d 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/users
Get list of accepted Terms of Service, where id is the Facebook terms of service content id:
use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdAccountFields;
$account = new AdAccount('act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>');
// Dump TOS Accepted info.
from facebookads.adobjects.adaccount import AdAccount
account = AdAccount('act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>')
for tos in account[AdAccount.Field.tos_accepted]:
AdAccount adAccount = new AdAccount(act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>, context).get()
curl -G \
-d 'fields=tos_accepted' \
-d 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>
GraphRequest request = GraphRequest.newGraphPathRequest( accessToken, "/act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>", new GraphRequest.Callback() { @Override public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) { // Insert your code here } }); Bundle parameters = new Bundle(); parameters.putString("fields", "default_dsa_payor,default_dsa_beneficiary"); request.setParameters(parameters); request.executeAsync(); iOS SDK FBSDKGraphRequest *request = [[FBSDKGraphRequest alloc] initWithGraphPath:@"/act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>" parameters:@{ @"fields": @"default_dsa_payor,default_dsa_beneficiary",} HTTPMethod:@"GET"]; [request startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *connection, id result, NSError *error) { // Insert your code here }]; Javascript SDK: FB.api( '/act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>', 'GET', {"fields":"default_dsa_payor,default_dsa_beneficiary"}, function(response) { // Insert your code here } );
curl -X GET \
The return value is in JSON format. For example:
Field | Description |
id string | The string |
account_id numeric string | The ID of the Ad Account. |
account_status unsigned int32 | Status of the account: |
ad_account_promotable_objects | Ad Account creation request purchase order fields associated with this Ad Account. |
age float | Amount of time the ad account has been open, in days. |
agency_client_declaration | Details of the agency advertising on behalf of this client account, if applicable. Requires Business Manager Admin privileges. |
amount_spent numeric string | Current amount spent by the account with respect to |
attribution_spec list<AttributionSpec> | Deprecated due to iOS 14 changes. Please visit the changelog for more information. |
balance numeric string | Bill amount due for this Ad Account. |
brand_safety_content_filter_levels list<string> | Brand safety content filter levels set for in-content ads (Facebook in-stream videos and Ads on Facebook Reels) and Audience Network along with feed ads (Facebook Feed, Instagram feed, Facebook Reels feed and Instagram Reels feed) if applicable. Refer to Placement Targeting for a list of supported values. |
business | The Business Manager, if this ad account is owned by one |
business_city string | City for business address |
business_country_code string | Country code for the business address |
business_name string | The business name for the account |
business_state string | State abbreviation for business address |
business_street string | First line of the business street address for the account |
business_street2 string | Second line of the business street address for the account |
business_zip string | Zip code for business address |
can_create_brand_lift_study bool | If we can create a new automated brand lift study under the Ad Account. |
capabilities list<string> | List of capabilities an Ad Account can have. See capabilities |
created_time datetime | The time the account was created in ISO 8601 format. |
currency string | The currency used for the account, based on the corresponding value in the account settings. See supported currencies |
default_dsa_beneficiary string | This is the default value for creating L2 object of dsa_beneficiary |
default_dsa_payor string | This is the default value for creating L2 object of dsa_payor |
direct_deals_tos_accepted bool | Whether DirectDeals ToS are accepted. |
disable_reason unsigned int32 | The reason why the account was disabled. Possible reasons are: |
end_advertiser numeric string | The entity the ads will target. Must be a Facebook Page Alias, Facebook Page ID or an Facebook App ID. |
end_advertiser_name string | The name of the entity the ads will target. |
existing_customers list<string> | The custom audience ids that are used by advertisers to define their existing customers. This definition is primarily used by Automated Shopping Ads. |
expired_funding_source_details FundingSourceDetails |
To access this field, the user making the API call must have a |
extended_credit_invoice_group | The extended credit invoice group that the ad account belongs to |
failed_delivery_checks | Failed delivery checks |
fb_entity unsigned int32 | fb_entity |
funding_source numeric string | ID of the payment method. If the account does not have a payment method it will still be possible to create ads but these ads will get no delivery. Not available if the account is disabled |
funding_source_details FundingSourceDetails |
To access this field, the user making the API call must have a |
has_migrated_permissions bool | Whether this account has migrated permissions |
has_page_authorized_adaccount bool | Indicates whether a Facebook page has authorized this ad account to place ads with political content. If you try to place an ad with political content using this ad account for this page, and this page has not authorized this ad account for ads with political content, your ad will be disapproved. See Breaking Changes, Marketing API, Ads with Political Content and Facebook Advertising Policies |
io_number numeric string | The Insertion Order (IO) number. |
is_attribution_spec_system_default bool | If the attribution specification of ad account is generated from system default values |
is_direct_deals_enabled bool | Whether the account is enabled to run Direct Deals |
is_in_3ds_authorization_enabled_market bool | If the account is in a market requiring to go through payment process going through 3DS authorization |
is_notifications_enabled bool | Get the notifications status of the user for this ad account. This will return true or false depending if notifications are enabled or not |
is_personal unsigned int32 | Indicates if this ad account is being used for private, non-business purposes. This affects how value-added tax (VAT) is assessed. Note: This is not related to whether an ad account is attached to a business. |
is_prepay_account bool | If this ad account is a prepay. Other option would be a postpay account. To access this field, the user making the API call must have a |
is_tax_id_required bool | If tax id for this ad account is required or not. To access this field, the user making the API call must have a |
line_numbers list<integer> | The line numbers |
media_agency numeric string | The agency, this could be your own business. Must be a Facebook Page Alias, Facebook Page ID or an Facebook App ID. In absence of one, you can use |
min_campaign_group_spend_cap numeric string | The minimum required spend cap of Ad Campaign. |
min_daily_budget unsigned int32 | The minimum daily budget for this Ad Account |
name string | Name of the account. If not set, the name of the first admin visible to the user will be returned. |
offsite_pixels_tos_accepted bool | Indicates whether the offsite pixel Terms Of Service contract was signed. This feature can be accessible before v2.9 |
owner numeric string | The ID of the account owner |
partner numeric string | This could be Facebook Marketing Partner, if there is one. Must be a Facebook Page Alias, Facebook Page ID or an Facebook App ID. In absence of one, you can use |
rf_spec ReachFrequencySpec | Reach and Frequency limits configuration. See Reach and Frequency |
show_checkout_experience bool | Whether or not to show the pre-paid checkout experience to an advertiser. If |
spend_cap numeric string | The maximum amount that can be spent by this Ad Account. When the amount is reached, all delivery stops. A value of |
tax_id string | Tax ID |
tax_id_status unsigned int32 | VAT status code for the account. |
tax_id_type string | Type of Tax ID |
timezone_id unsigned int32 | The timezone ID of this ad account |
timezone_name string | Name for the time zone |
timezone_offset_hours_utc float | Time zone difference from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). |
tos_accepted map<string, int32> | Checks if this specific ad account has signed the Terms of Service contracts. Returns |
user_tasks list<string> | user_tasks |
user_tos_accepted map<string, int32> | Checks if a user has signed the Terms of Service contracts related to the Business that contains a specific ad account. Must include user's access token to get information. This verification is not valid for system users. |
Edge | Description |
Edge<AdAccountBusinessConstraints> | Account Controls is for Advantage+ shopping campaigns where advertisers can set audience controls for minimum age and excluded geo location. |
Edge<AdActivity> | The activities of this ad account |
Edge<AdCreative> | The ad creatives of this ad account |
Edge<AdsReportBuilderMMMReport> | Marketing mix modeling (MMM) reports generated for this ad account. |
Edge<AdsReportBuilderMMMReportScheduler> | Get all MMM report schedulers by this ad account |
Edge<Application> | All advertisable apps associated with this account |
Edge<Application> | Applications connected to the ad accounts |
Edge<BroadTargetingCategories> | Broad targeting categories (BCTs) can be used for targeting |
Edge<BespokePartnerGuidanceLaser> | Guidance for CPA improvement |
Edge<CustomAudiencesTOS> | The custom audiences term of services available to the ad account |
Edge<CustomConversion> | The custom conversions owned by/shared with this ad account |
Edge<AdAccountDeliveryEstimate> | The delivery estimate for a given ad set configuration for this ad account |
Edge<AdCampaign> | Ad sets with deprecating targeting options for this ad account |
Edge<AdAccountDsaRecommendations> | dsa_recommendations |
Edge<AdStudy> | The ad studies that contain this ad account or any of its descendant ad objects |
Edge<InstagramUser> | Instagram accounts connected to the ad accounts |
Edge<AdsMcmeConversion> | mcmeconversions |
Edge<MinimumBudget> | Returns minimum daily budget values by currency |
Edge<Page> | All pages that have been promoted under the ad account |
Edge<AdAccountReachEstimate> | The reach estimate of a given targeting spec for this ad account |
Edge<SavedAudience> | Saved audiences in the account |
Edge<AdAccountSuggestedTag> | suggested_product_tags |
Edge<AdAccountTargetingUnified> | Unified browse |
Edge<AdAccountTargetingUnified> | Unified search |
Error | Description |
200 | Permissions error |
100 | Invalid parameter |
190 | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
80004 | There have been too many calls to this ad-account. Wait a bit and try again. For more info, please refer to |
3018 | The start date of the time range cannot be beyond 37 months from the current date |
2500 | Error parsing graph query |
1150 | An unknown error occurred. |
2635 | You are calling a deprecated version of the Ads API. Please update to the latest version. |
80000 | There have been too many calls from this ad-account. Wait a bit and try again. For more info, please refer to |
To create a new ad account for your business you must specify name
, currency
, timezone_id
, end_advertiser
, media_agency
, and partner
. Provide end_advertiser
, media_agency
, and partner
They must be Facebook Page Aliases, Facebook Page ID or an Facebook app ID. For example, to provide your company as an end advertiser you specify my company or 20531316728
If your ad account has no End Advertiser, Media Agency, or Partner, specify NONE
If your ad account has an End Advertiser, Media Agency, or Partner, that are not represented on Facebook by Page or app, specify UNFOUND
Once you set end_advertiser
to a value other than NONE
you cannot change it.
Create an ad account:
curl \ -F "name=MyAdAccount" \ -F "currency=USD" \ -F "timezone_id=1" \ -F "end_advertiser=<END_ADVERTISER_ID>" \ -F "media_agency=<MEDIA_AGENCY_ID>" \ -F "partner=NONE" \ -F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \ "<API_VERSION>/<BUSINESS_ID>/adaccount"
If you have an extended credity line with Facebook, you can set invoice
to true
and we associate your new ad account to this credit line.
The response:
{ "id": "act_<ADACCOUNT_ID>", "account_id": "<ADACCOUNT_ID>", "business_id": "<BUSINESS_ID>", "end_advertiser_id": "<END_ADVERTISER_ID>", "media_agency_id": "<MEDIA_AGENCY_ID>", "partner_id": "NONE" }
edge from the following paths: POST /v22.0/act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/product_audiences HTTP/1.1
/* PHP SDK v5.0.0 */
/* make the API call */
try {
// Returns a `Facebook\FacebookResponse` object
$response = $fb->post(
array (
'name' => 'Test Iphone Product Audience',
'product_set_id' => '<PRODUCT_SET_ID>',
'inclusions' => '[{"retention_seconds":86400,"rule":{"and":[{"event":{"eq":"AddToCart"}},{"userAgent":{"i_contains":"iPhone"}}]}}]',
'exclusions' => '[{"retention_seconds":172800,"rule":{"event":{"eq":"Purchase"}}}]',
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
$graphNode = $response->getGraphNode();
/* handle the result */
/* make the API call */
"name": "Test Iphone Product Audience",
"product_set_id": "<PRODUCT_SET_ID>",
"inclusions": "[{\"retention_seconds\":86400,\"rule\":{\"and\":[{\"event\":{\"eq\":\"AddToCart\"}},{\"userAgent\":{\"i_contains\":\"iPhone\"}}]}}]",
"exclusions": "[{\"retention_seconds\":172800,\"rule\":{\"event\":{\"eq\":\"Purchase\"}}}]"
function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {
/* handle the result */
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("name", "Test Iphone Product Audience");
params.putString("product_set_id", "<PRODUCT_SET_ID>");
params.putString("inclusions", "[{\"retention_seconds\":86400,\"rule\":{\"and\":[{\"event\":{\"eq\":\"AddToCart\"}},{\"userAgent\":{\"i_contains\":\"iPhone\"}}]}}]");
params.putString("exclusions", "[{\"retention_seconds\":172800,\"rule\":{\"event\":{\"eq\":\"Purchase\"}}}]");
/* make the API call */
new GraphRequest(
new GraphRequest.Callback() {
public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) {
/* handle the result */
NSDictionary *params = @{
@"name": @"Test Iphone Product Audience",
@"product_set_id": @"<PRODUCT_SET_ID>",
@"inclusions": @"[{\"retention_seconds\":86400,\"rule\":{\"and\":[{\"event\":{\"eq\":\"AddToCart\"}},{\"userAgent\":{\"i_contains\":\"iPhone\"}}]}}]",
@"exclusions": @"[{\"retention_seconds\":172800,\"rule\":{\"event\":{\"eq\":\"Purchase\"}}}]",
/* make the API call */
FBSDKGraphRequest *request = [[FBSDKGraphRequest alloc]
[request startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *connection,
id result,
NSError *error) {
// Handle the result
curl -X POST \
-F 'name="Test Iphone Product Audience"' \
-F 'product_set_id="<PRODUCT_SET_ID>"' \
-F 'inclusions=[
"retention_seconds": 86400,
"rule": {
"and": [
"event": {
"eq": "AddToCart"
"userAgent": {
"i_contains": "iPhone"
]' \
-F 'exclusions=[
"retention_seconds": 172800,
"rule": {
"event": {
"eq": "Purchase"
]' \
-F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/product_audiences
Parameter | Description |
associated_audience_id int64 | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
creation_params dictionary { string : <string> } | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
description string | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
enable_fetch_or_create boolean | enable_fetch_or_create |
event_sources array<JSON object> | event_sources |
exclusions list<Object> | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
inclusions list<Object> | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
name string | SELF_EXPLANATORY Required |
opt_out_link string | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
parent_audience_id int64 | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
product_set_id numeric string or integer | SELF_EXPLANATORY Required |
in the return
: numeric string, message
: string, Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
2654 | Failed to create custom audience |
edge from the following paths: Parameter | Description |
adaccounts list<numeric string> | Array of new ad account IDs to receive access to the custom audience |
permissions string |
relationship_type array<string> | relationship_type |
replace boolean |
: bool, sharing_data
: List [ad_acct_id
: string, business_id
: numeric string, audience_share_status
: string, errors
: List [Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
edge from the following paths: Parameter | Description |
adaccount_id string | Ad account ID. Required |
: string, Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
3994 | Personal accounts that do not have any history of activity are not eligible for migration to a business manager. Instead create an ad account inside your business manager. |
3979 | You have exceeded the number of allowed ad accounts for your Business Manager at this time. |
3980 | One or more of the ad accounts in your Business Manager are currently in bad standing or in review. All of your accounts must be in good standing in order to create new ad accounts. |
415 | Two factor authentication required. User have to enter a code from SMS or TOTP code generator to pass 2fac. This could happen when accessing a 2fac-protected asset like a page that is owned by a 2fac-protected business manager. |
3936 | You've already tried to claim this ad account. You'll see a notification if your request is accepted. |
3944 | Your Business Manager already has access to this object. |
368 | The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed |
2702 | This user can’t be added as an admin of this ad account. This may be because you lack permissions or the user you selected may not be authorized. Try managing people and ad accounts in Business Manager instead. |
457 | The session has an invalid origin |
edge from the following paths: Parameter | Description |
ad_account_created_from_bm_flag boolean | ad_account_created_from_bm_flag |
currency ISO 4217 Currency Code | The currency used for the account Required |
end_advertiser | The entity the ads will target. Must be a Facebook Page Alias, Facebook Page ID or an Facebook App ID. In absence of one, you can use Required |
funding_id numeric string or integer | ID of the payment method. If the account does not have a payment method it will still be possible to create ads but these ads will get no delivery. |
invoice boolean | If business manager has Business Manager Owned Normal Credit Line on file on the FB CRM, it will attach the ad account to that credit line. |
invoice_group_id numeric string | The ID of the invoice group this adaccount should be enrolled in |
invoicing_emails array<string> | Emails addressed where invoices will be sent. |
io boolean | If corporate channel is direct sales. |
media_agency string | The agency, this could be your own business. Must be a Facebook Page Alias, Facebook Page ID or an Facebook App ID. In absence of one, you can use Required |
name string | The name of the ad account Required |
partner string | The advertising partner for this account, if there is one. Must be a Facebook Page Alias, Facebook Page ID or an Facebook App ID. In absence of one, you can use Required |
po_number string | Purchase order number |
timezone_id unsigned int32 | ID for the timezone. See here. Required |
in the return
: token with structure: AdAccount ID, account_id
: numeric string, business_id
: numeric string, end_advertiser_id
: string, media_agency_id
: string, partner_id
: string, seer_ad_account_restricted_by_soft_desc_challenge
: bool, soft_desc_challenge_credential_id
: string, soft_desc_challenge_localized_auth_amount
: int32, Error | Description |
3979 | You have exceeded the number of allowed ad accounts for your Business Manager at this time. |
457 | The session has an invalid origin |
100 | Invalid parameter |
3980 | One or more of the ad accounts in your Business Manager are currently in bad standing or in review. All of your accounts must be in good standing in order to create new ad accounts. |
415 | Two factor authentication required. User have to enter a code from SMS or TOTP code generator to pass 2fac. This could happen when accessing a 2fac-protected asset like a page that is owned by a 2fac-protected business manager. |
368 | The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed |
190 | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
104 | Incorrect signature |
23007 | This credit card can't be set as your account's primary payment method, because your account is set up to be billed after your ads have delivered. This setup can't be changed. Please try a different card or payment method. |
1180 | The payment credential is not valid |
and default_dsa_beneficiary
values can be set to both of them or none of them. The API does not allow only one of them to exist in the data storage. /act_{ad_account_id}
.Parameter | Description |
agency_client_declaration dictionary { string : <string> } | Details of the agency advertising on behalf of this client account, if applicable. Requires Business Manager Admin privileges. |
attribution_spec list<Object> | Deprecated due to iOS 14 changes. Please visit the changelog for more information. |
business_info dictionary { string : <string> } | Business Info |
custom_audience_info JSON object | Custom audience info for Automated Shopping Ads. |
default_dsa_beneficiary string | This is the default value for creating L2 targeting EU's beneficiary. |
default_dsa_payor string | This is the default value for creating L2 targeting EU's payor. |
end_advertiser string | The entity the ads will target. Must be a Facebook Page Alias, Facebook Page ID or an Facebook App ID. |
is_notifications_enabled boolean | If notifications are enabled or not for this account |
media_agency string | The ID of a Facebook Page or Facebook App. Once it is set to any values other than |
name string | The name of the ad account |
partner string | The ID of a Facebook Page or Facebook App. Once it is set to any values other than |
spend_cap float | The total amount that this account can spend, after which all campaigns will be paused, based on |
spend_cap_action string | Setting this parameter to |
: bool, Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
200 | Permissions error |
368 | The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed |
190 | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
80004 | There have been too many calls to this ad-account. Wait a bit and try again. For more info, please refer to |
.Parameter | Description |
tasks array<enum {MANAGE, ADVERTISE, ANALYZE, DRAFT, AA_ANALYZE}> | AdAccount permission tasks to assign this user |
user UID | Business user id or system user id Required |
: bool, Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
200 | Permissions error |
2620 | Invalid call to update account permissions |
190 | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
.Parameter | Description |
account_id numeric string | SELF_EXPLANATORY Required |
business numeric string or integer | SELF_EXPLANATORY Required |
: bool, Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
.Parameter | Description |
adaccounts list<numeric string> | Array of ad account IDs to revoke access to the custom audience |
: bool, Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |