Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

April 25, 2012

Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

By Jeff Bowen

Since last Wednesday's update, we shared a Developer Spotlight on Diamond Dash Mobile, explained how users can now discover native Android apps through Facebook, and streamlined getting the publish_stream and publish_actions permissions.

Facebook Offers Now Accessible via the API

Last week, we expanded the Facebook Offers beta to five more countries. Offers allows businesses to publish deals and coupons to their fans through their Facebook Pages. We have now added support creating and managing Offers via the API. Check out the /offers connection of the Page object, the Offer object, and the Offer FQL table for more information. Please note, Offers is available in self-service to a limited set of Pages in New Zealand, Singapore, Australia, Japan, and Turkey. We plan to launch Offers more widely in the coming weeks. To learn more, please see our recent blog post.

Real-time Insights

This week we made the following Insights metrics available in "real-time" (refreshed approximately every 15 minutes):

  • page_storytellers
  • post_stories
  • post_storytellers
  • post_stories_by_action_type
  • post_storytellers_by_action_type
  • post_impressions
  • post_impressions_unique
  • post_impressions_paid
  • post_impressions_paid_unique
  • post_impressions_organic
  • post_impressions_organic_unique
  • post_impressions_viral
  • post_impressions_viral_unique
  • post_impressions_by_story_type
  • post_impressions_by_story_type_unique
  • post_consumptions
  • post_consumptions_unique
  • post_consumptions_by_type
  • post_consumptions_by_type_unique
  • post_engaged_users
  • post_negative_feedback
  • post_negative_feedback_unique
  • post_negative_feedback_by_type
  • post_negative_feedback_by_type_unique

For more information on these and other metrics, check out the Insights FQL table documentation.

Upcoming Breaking Changes on May 2, 2012

offline_access Permission Removal
The offline_accesspermission is deprecated and will be removed July 5, 2012. Until then, you can turn this change on or off using the "Remove offline_access permission" migration. On May 2, 2012, we will automatically turn the migration to "enabled" for all apps. If this breaks your app, you can turn the migration back to "disabled" until July 5, 2012 when it will be permanently "enabled" for all apps. Please see the Removal of offline_access Permission doc for more details.

Removal of group_type and group_subtype columns from group FQL table
We will remove the group_type and group_subtype columns of the group FQL table. Please ensure that your apps are not utilizing these columns.

Removing support to claim Domains using Page ID - Originally scheduled for April 1st, 2012
We will remove the ability to claim domains with a Page ID. The recommended option for claiming domains is with an App ID or User ID and existing domains that have been claimed will continue to work fine. After claiming domains, owners are able to view Insights or run Domain Sponsored Stories. See the Insights documentation for more on the updated domain claiming flow.

Please check out the Developer Roadmap for more upcoming changes.

Bugs activity between Tuesday, April 17 and Tuesday, April 24

  • 165 bugs were reported
  • 21 bugs were reproducible and accepted (after duplicates removed)
  • 12 bugs were by design
  • 27 bugs were fixed
  • 101 bugs were duplicate, invalid, or need more information

Bugs fixed between Tuesday, April 17 and Tuesday, April 24

Activity on facebook.stackoverflow.com between Tuesday, April 17 and Tuesday, April 24

  • 535 questions asked
  • 477 questions with a score of 0 or greater
  • 172 answered, 36% answered rate
  • 271 replied, 57% reply rate


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