On July 23, 2024 we launched the new Instagram API with Instagram Login. An Instagram professional account – Business or Creator account – will no longer need to be linked to a Facebook Page in order to have conversations with customers, followers, or Instagram users interested in their business or Instagram account, manage comments, or publish media. Learn more about this new version in our blog post.
The Messenger Platform allows you to build messaging solutions for Instagram Professional accounts at scale.
Instagram Messaging is available for the following accounts:
You can check the eligibility for accounts that you manage using the
Conversations API
. A
error code will be returned if the messaging is not yet available.
The Messenger Platform allows you to have conversations with people interested in your business or creations. The Facebook Page linked to your Instagram Professional account facilitates these conversations using the Messenger Platform. When a person sends your Instagram a message, the message will be delivered to your Instagram Inbox and a webhook notification will be sent to your server. Your messaging app has
24 hours
to respond to this message. If more time is needed to allow a human agent to respond, you can add a tag to your response to send the message outside the standard 24 hour messaging window.
Instagram Messaging offers a wide variety of conversation entry points for people to start a conversation and message types for your messaging app to respond with.
An Instagram Professional account has a messaging inbox that allows you to control notifications and organize messages. By default notifications are off. You can turn notifications on in the Inbox Settings. The inbox is organized into different categories, Primary, General, and Requests. By default, all new conversations from followers will appear in the Primary folder. Conversations that existed before you implemented Instagram Messaging will be in the folders you have placed them within.
Messages that you receive from people who are not followers of your account are in Requests folder. You can choose to accept or deny these requests, and request messages aren’t marked as Seen until you accept them. Once a request is accepted you can move the conversation to the Primary or General folder. All message requests that you answer using a third-party app will be moved to the General folder.
Beginning November 9, 2022, we are introducing
Business Login for Instagram.
This login flow allows a person to convert their Instagram account to an Instagram Professional account, create a Facebook Page for their business, and to connect that Page to their Instagram Professional account within the login flow.
This guide assumes you have read the Messenger Platform Overview and implemented the needed components for sending and receiving messages and notifications.
You can provide an escalation path for automated messaging experiences using one of the following:
When required by applicable law, automated chat experiences must disclose that a person is interacting with an automated service:
Automated chat experiences that serve the following groups should pay special attention to this requirement:
Disclosures may include but are not limited to: “I’m the [Page Name] bot,”“You are interacting with an automated experience,” “You are talking to a bot,” or “I am an automated chatbot.”
Even where not legally required, we recommend informing users when they’re interacting with an automated chat as best practice, as this helps manage user expectations about their interaction with your messaging experience.
Visit our
Developer Policies
for more information.
You can provide an escalation path for human agent only messaging experiences with a custom inbox. Your messaging app must be able to: