The Persistent Menu

This documents shows you how to programmatically add the Persistent Menu to your messaging experience.

Nested Persistent Menu

Messenger from Meta for Android (v276+) will no longer support nested persistent menus. Pages that contain nested menu items will be rendered as flat lists on all surfaces (web, iOS and android (v276+)). We believe this will create an even better experience for people on Messenger. Support for nested menus will be removed from both Messenger Profile API and Custom User Settings API in v8.0 of Graph API, with a 2-year breaking change on all versions.

How It Works

The Persistent Menu allows you to create and send a menu of the main features of your business, such as hours of operation, store locations, and products, is always visible in a person's Messenger conversation with your business.

When a person clicks an item in the menu, a postback webhook notification is sent to your serve. The webhook notification contains information about what item was select and by whom. This item selection action opens the standard messaging window. You have 24 hours to respond to the person.

If Commands are set, they will take priority over the Persistent Menu.


For the persistent menu to appear, the following must be true:

  • The person must be running Messenger v106 or above on iOS or Android.
  • The Facebook Page the Messenger bot is subscribe to must be published.
  • The Messenger bot must be set to "public" in the app settings.
  • The Messenger bot must have the pages_messaging permission.
  • The Messenger bot must have a get started button set.

Supported Buttons

The persistent menu is composed of an array of buttons. The following button types are supported in the persistent menu:

Setting the Persistent Menu

To set the persistent menu, send a POST request to the Messenger Profile API to set the persistent_menu property of your bot's Messenger profile.

As a replacement for the deprecated nested level menu, we allow up to 20 buttons in the call_to_actions array for Graph API v8.0+.

    "persistent_menu": [
            "locale": "default",
            "composer_input_disabled": false,
            "call_to_actions": [
                    "type": "postback",
                    "title": "Talk to an agent",
                    "payload": "CARE_HELP"
                    "type": "postback",
                    "title": "Outfit suggestions",
                    "payload": "CURATION"
                    "type": "web_url",
                    "title": "Shop now",
                    "url": "",
                    "webview_height_ratio": "full"

Nested Persistent Menu

This feature is deprecated in v8.0+.

Disabling the Composer

You may disable the composer to make the persistent menu the only way for a person to interact with your Messenger bot. This is useful if your bot has a very specific purpose or set of options.

To do this, set "composer_input_disabled":true when you create the persistent menu.


You may provide default and localized button text for the persistent menu that will be displayed based on a person's locale.

To do this, specify a separate object in the persistent_menu array for each locale. To specify the locale for each object, set the locale property to a supported locale:

  "locale: "zh_CN",

User level menu

New feature

On December 04, 2019 we made improvements to the persistent menu to support dynamic changes to further personalize the conversational experience.

You can override the Page level persistent menu with a user level setting. This allows your app to dynamically control:

  • The click to action buttons on the menu for the user.
  • The visibility of the composer for the user.

To enable or disable the user level setting a different endpoint called custom_user_settings is used. This endpoint supports POST, GET and DELETE calls.

The same configurations available for the Page level persistent menu apply at user level. The main difference is that a psid param is needed to indicate the user that this override applies to.

NOTE: The update of user level persistent menu happens in realtime, while the update of page level persistent menu can take up to 24 hours.

The user level settings are rate limited to 10 calls per user per 10 min.

Example of POST Request

This will override the current page level settings for this user.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
  "psid": "<PSID>",
  "persistent_menu": [
            "locale": "default",
            "composer_input_disabled": false,
            "call_to_actions": [
                    "type": "postback",
                    "title": "Talk to an agent",
                    "payload": "CARE_HELP"
                    "type": "postback",
                    "title": "Outfit suggestions",
                    "payload": "CURATION"
                    "type": "web_url",
                    "title": "Shop now",
                    "url": "",
                    "webview_height_ratio": "full"

Example of GET Request

This will retrieve the current user and page level settings. If there are no user level settings only the page level ones will return.

curl -X GET "<PSID>&access_token=<PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN>"


    "data": [
        "user_level_persistent_menu": [
              "locale": "default",
              "composer_input_disabled": false,
              "call_to_actions": [
                      "type": "postback",
                      "title": "Talk to an agent",
                      "payload": "CARE_HELP"
                      "type": "postback",
                      "title": "Outfit suggestions",
                      "payload": "CURATION"
                      "type": "web_url",
                      "title": "Shop now",
                      "url": "",
                      "webview_height_ratio": "full"
        "page_level_persistent_menu": [
          Original Page Menu...

Example of DELETE Request

This will remove the user level settings, leaving the Page level menu if set.

curl -X DELETE '<PSID>&params=[%22persistent_menu%22]&access_token=<PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN>'

Disabling the Persistent Menu

There may be cases where it is preferable to disable the persistent menu for your bot in the Chat Plugin. To do this, add "disabled_surfaces": ["CUSTOMER_CHAT_PLUGIN"] when you set your persistent menu:

Example Messenger Profile API Payload

      "disabled_surfaces": ["CUSTOMER_CHAT_PLUGIN"],
      "composer_input_disabled": false,      
          "title":"My Account",

Best Practices

Like buttons, menu items can produce a webview or postback. Keep in mind that second-level menu is not supported.

Use the menu for entry points into your bot's functionality.

Be descriptive: your menu lets people know what your bot can do. It instantly lets users know what they can reach your bot for in the future.

Be selective to represent the core functions of your bot and try to limit menu items to 5 for best user experience.

Don't expect the menu to contain user-specific data: it's the same for everyone who uses your bot, though it can be localized.

Don't put a "Menu" button in the menu that sends the user a message containing a menu. Just put that content directly in the menu — that's what it's for!

Don't put generic actions like "Restart" in the menu.

Don't use prime menu real estate for secondary, "colophon" style info like about, terms of service, privacy policy, or "powered by", neglecting to expose your bot's main functionality.

Developer Support