Introducing the ‘Instagram search results’ Ads Placements via the Instagram Marketing API

May 24, 2023

Introducing the ‘Instagram search results’ Ads Placements via the Instagram Marketing API

By Huan Wang

Starting today, we now allow for ads in Instagram search results via the Instagram Marketing API. This new ads placement will be available on all current Marketing API versions, and does not require an upgrade.

This will not require the use of a new endpoint; the ‘Instagram search results’ placement option will be available via the current Marketing API endpoint you may already be familiar with, through the addition of the INSTAGRAM_SEARCH placement option. With this new addition, you will be able to update your app to enable your clients to create and preview ads in Instagram search results via API.

Key Details

This feature update will enable the following three capabilities / use cases via the Marketing API.

  1. Ads creation: Developers will be able to use "INSTAGRAM_SEARCH" as one of the placement options when creating ads
  2. Ads insights: When breaking down insights by placement level, it will be possible to see how ads perform via Instagram search results placement
  3. Ad preview: Developers will be able to fetch the preview in the INSTAGRAM_SEARCH_CHAIN format

For more technical details, see Get Started with Meta Marketing API.