Dynamic Language Optimization

March 22, 2017

Dynamic Language Optimization

By Mohana Sudharsan Dhayalavel

Today we release Dynamic Language Optimization on Marketing API. Businesses can now connect with customers in a more localized way. Marketing API can now optimize different language headers, body text and deep links at the ad set level. This enables you to run the same ad in a single ad set in up to five different languages.

Start by creating an asset feed:

curl \
-F "images=[{'hash':'1cd8e1b5de5a76c24f989d94160bfb06'},{'hash':'2597fcfeab45e01d9393ce3fefd074e5'}]" \
-F "bodies=[{'text':'Begin Your Adventure', 'language_label': 'english'}, {'text':'Commencez votre aventure', 'language_label': 'french'}]" \
-F "titles=[{'text':'Pokemon', 'language_label': 'english'}, {'text':'Pokémon', 'language_label': 'french'}]" \
-F "descriptions=[{'text':'Play now'}]" \
-F "link_urls=[{'website_url':'<WEBSITE_URL>'}]" \
-F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \

Then create an ad with an asset feed:

curl \
-F 'adset_id=<ADSET_ID>' \
-F 'creative={
   }' \
-F 'name="Dynamic Language Ad"' \
-F 'status=ACTIVE' \
-F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \

Facebook's then optimizes ads delivery to send the right language to the right users based on signals such as someone's UI language setting and languages they have interacted with in the past.

Each asset can have an optional language_label field. We group assets of different types based on this and they always appear together in an ad. Assets without language_label are free-form and Facebook combines them with any other assets.

Asset Feed:

  • Maximum number of assets per type is 5
  • Title, description, and body text max length 255
  • No two assets of the same type can have the same language_label
  • Provide at least two types assets per group defined by a language_label
  • Define at least one group with a language_label


This feature is available for website clicks and mobile app install objectives across Facebook, Instagram, and Audience Network. For more information see Dynamic Language Optimization.