The Page plugin lets you easily embed and promote any public Facebook Page on your website. Just like on Facebook, your visitors can like and share the Page without leaving your site. You can use the Page plugin for any Page that is not restricted, for example, by country or age.
Related Topics: Social Plugins FAQs | Other Social Plugins
In addition to the settings above, you can also change the following:
Setting | HTML5 Attribute | Description | Default |
| The URL of the Facebook Page | None |
| The pixel width of the plugin. Min. is |
| The pixel height of the plugin. Min. is |
| Tabs to render i.e. |
| Hide cover photo in the header |
| Show profile photos when friends like this |
| Hide the custom call to action button (if available) |
| Use the small header instead |
| Try to fit inside the container width |
is deprecated. Please use the attribute tabs
and use the value timeline
to show posts from the Page's timeline.The standard configuration of the Page plugin includes only the header and a cover photo. This size is ideal for promoting your Page in a small space, such as the top of a sidebar.
<div class="fb-page" data-href="" data-width="380" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="false"></div>
If your page has a custom call to action button, it will be shown instead of the default call to action which is a Share button.
If the width of the plugin is less than 280px, the default Share button will be shown to prevent design misalignment in different translations.
You can now have timeline, events and messages tabs on the plugin:
To enable messaging on your Facebook page go to your Page Settings
. In the row Messages
check Allow people to contact my Page privately by showing the Message button (Direct Link:{your-page-name}/settings/?tab=settings§ion=messages&view
Use a comma-separated list within the data-tabs
attribute to add multiple tabs:
<div class="fb-page" data-tabs="timeline,events,messages" data-href="" data-width="380" data-hide-cover="false"></div>
You can also just add a single tab showing either the timeline
, events
or messages
<div class="fb-page" data-tabs="events" data-href="" data-width="380"></div>
The plugin will by default adapt to the width
of its parent container on page load (min. 180px
/ max. 500px
), useful for changing layout:
<div style="width: 190px;"> <!-- Page plugin's width will be 190px --> <div class="fb-page" data-href="{url}" data-width="420"></div> </div>
If the width
of the parent element is bigger than the Page plugin's width
it will maintain the value defined in data-width
<div style="width: 600px;"> <!-- Page plugin's width will be 500px --> <div class="fb-page" data-href="{url}" data-width="500"></div> </div>
The plugin will never be smaller than 180px
<div style="width: 100px;"> <!-- Page plugin's width will be 180px --> <div class="fb-page" data-href="{url}" data-width="320"></div> </div>
Adaptive width can be switched off by unchecking Adapt to plugin container width and the plugin will rendered at the specified width irrespective of the parent container.
The Page plugin works with responsive, fluid and static layouts. You can use media queries or other methods to set the width
of the parent element, yet:
on page loadIf you want to adjust the plugin's width
on window resize, you manually need to rerender the plugin.
Show who likes your Page with real people's profile images rather than just a number. People visting your Page will see a count of friends that like the Page as well as their profile photos.
This option can be activated by checking Show Friend's Faces
in the configurator.
<div class="fb-page" data-href="" data-width="340" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true"></div>
Facebook Pages with privacy restrictions cannot be embedded.
You can change the language of the Page plugin plugin by loading a localized version of the Facebook JavaScript SDK. When you load the SDK, change the value of js.src
to use your locale. Replace en_US
with your locale, e.g., ru_RU
for Russian (Russia):
js.src = "";
Supported locales are referenced in the Facebook Locales XML file. You may need to adjust the width of a Social Plugin to accommodate different languages. You may find more information on our Localization & Translation page.