
The Video API allows you to publish Videos and Reels on Facebook Pages.


To publish a video on a Page you will need:

  • A Page access token requested by a person who can perform the CREATE_CONTENT task on the Page
  • The person requesting the token must grant your app access to the following permissions via Facebook Login:
  • A video handle
    • This handle is received when you upload your video file to Meta servers using the Resumable Upload API

Publish a video

To publish a video send a POST request to the /<PAGE_ID>/videos endpoint with

curl -X POST \
  "<PAGE_ID>/videos" \
  -F "access_token=<PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
  -F "title=<VIDEO_TITLE>" \
  -F "description=<VIDEO_DESCRIPTION>" \ 
  -F "fbuploader_video_file_chunk=<UPLOADED_FILE_HANDLE>"

On success, your app receives a JSON response with the Video ID.


Upload a video file

The following content is from the Resumable Upload API documentation.

Upload a file

The Resumable Upload API allows you to upload large files to Meta's social graph and resume interrupted upload sessions without having to start over. Once you have uploaded your file, you can publish it.

References for endpoints that support uploaded file handles will indicate if the endpoints support handles returned by the Resumable Upload API.

Before you start

This guide assumes you have read the Graph API Overview and the Meta Development guides and performed the necessary actions needed to develop with Meta.

You will need:

  • A Meta app ID
  • A file in one of the following formats:
    • pdf
    • jpeg
    • jpg
    • png
  • A User access token

Step 1: Start an upload session

To start an upload session send a POST request to the /<APP_ID>/uploads endpoint, where <APP_ID> is your app's Meta ID, with the following required parameters:

  • file_name - the name of your file
  • file_length - file size in bytes
  • file_type - The file's MIME type. Valid values are: application/pdf, image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/png, and video/mp4

Request Syntax

Formatted for readability.

curl -i -X POST "<APP_ID>/uploads

Upon success, your app will receive a JSON response with the upload session ID.

  "id": "upload:<UPLOAD_SESSION_ID>"

Step 2: Start the upload

Start uploading the file by sending a POST request to the /upload:<UPLOAD_SESSION_ID> endpoint with the following file_offset set to 0.

Request Syntax

  --header "Authorization: OAuth <USER_ACCESS_TOKEN>"
  --header "file_offset: 0"
  --data-binary @<FILE_NAME>

You must include the access token in the header or the call will fail.

On success, your app receives the file handle which you will use in your API calls to publish the file to your endpoint.


Sample Response

    "h": "2:c2FtcGxl..."

Resume an interrupted upload

If you have initiated an upload session but it is taking longer than expected or has been interrupted, send a GET request to the /upload:<UPLOAD_SESSION_ID> endpoint from Step 1.

Request Syntax

Formatted for readability.

  --header "Authorization: OAuth <USER_ACCESS_TOKEN>""

Upon success, your app will receive a JSON response with the file_offset value that you can use to resume the upload process from the point of interruption.

  "id": "upload:<UPLOAD_SESSION_ID>"
  "file_offset": <FILE_OFFSET>"

Use this file_offset value to send another POST request as you did in Step 2. This will resume the upload process from the point of interruption.

Next Steps