
By logging app activation events, you can observe how frequently users activate your app, how much time they spend using it, and view other demographic information through Facebook Analytics for Apps.

Sending app activation events are also necessary to measure installs driven by App Ads, whose documentation you should consult for details.

Note: Does nothing on desktop apps at this time.


public static void ActivateApp()


Send an app activation event to Facebook when your app is activated.


Best Practices

Calling ActivateApp notifies Facebook that a session has begun in your application. You should be calling ActivateApp both on launch and each application resume to ensure you are correctly measuring sessions.

The SDK needs to be initalized first with FB.Init before you can call FB.ActivateApp.

Consider utilizing Unity's Awake function from MonoBehavior to cover App Launches.

void Awake ()
    if (FB.IsInitialized) {
    } else {
        //Handle FB.Init
        FB.Init( () => {

Consider utilizing Unity's OnApplicationPause function from MonoBehavior to cover App Resumes.

// Unity will call OnApplicationPause(false) when an app is resumed
// from the background
void OnApplicationPause (bool pauseStatus)
    // Check the pauseStatus to see if we are in the foreground
    // or background
    if (!pauseStatus) {
        //app resume
        if (FB.IsInitialized) {
        } else {
            //Handle FB.Init
            FB.Init( () => {