Ad Link Editing

Control which 3rd-party ads can edit links to your domain

Anyone with a Facebook Page can create an ad that includes a link to your domain.

What is ad link editing?

Anyone with a Facebook Page can create an ad that includes a link to your domain. By default, the person creating the ad can edit the descriptive content associated with the link, such as the title, description or image. We call this link editing.

Why this matters

Many people use link editing to add helpful context to their Facebook ads. But it can also be used with bad intent. For instance, a link could be edited in a way that misrepresents your content, resulting in damage to your brand and the spreading of misinformation.

As a publisher of online content, you can apply limits to the way people link to your domain from their Facebook ads. By managing ad link editing, you can help protect your content and your brand. It can also help to reduce incidents of misinformation on Facebook.



Once you have verified your domain you can use an allow/deny list to see and control who can edit ad links to your domain.

You can find the controls under the 'Domain Access' tab.

Only the owner of the verified domain can set up these lists, so if the domain access was shared with your Business Manager, the controls are only available in the original verifying Business Manager.

The interface allows you to see which Pages currently link ads to your domain and to choose which Pages can edit ad links.

You have three options to control this:

  • Anyone can edit ad links: Any Page can edit links to your domain in their Facebook ads
  • Deny specific advertisers from editing ad links: Disable access for specific Pages so that they can't edit links to your domain in their ads
  • Allow only specific advertisers to edit ad links: Enable access for specific Pages to edit links to your domain in their ads

If you choose to create a allow/deny list you can edit this list on the right hand side. To add a Page to the list, type the Page's name or URL and select the page. It should now be in the list of allowed/denied pages. Don't forget to hit 'Apply' to save the changes.

Changes may take up to 24 hours to take effect.