Customer File Custom Audiences

The Marketing API allows you to build target Custom Audiences from customer information. This includes email addresses, phone numbers, names, dates of birth, gender, locations, App User IDs, Page Scoped User IDs, Apple's Advertising Identifier (IDFA), or Android Advertising ID.

Meta Business Account, sometimes referred to as Business Manager account or simply Business account, is being renamed to business portfolio. This change will appear gradually across Meta technologies. The change is cosmetic only and does not affect Meta Business Account IDs (business portfolio IDs).

As the owner of your business's data, you are responsible for creating and managing this data. This includes information from your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. To create audiences, you must share your data in a hashed format to maintain privacy. See Hashing and Normalizing Data. Meta compares this with our hashed data to see if we should add someone on Facebook to your ad's audience.

You can add an unlimited number of records to an audience, but only up to 10000 at a time. Changes to your Custom Audiences don't happen immediately and usually take up to 24 hours. The number of records you request to remove and/or the number of Custom Audiences your account contains will increase the amount of time it takes to process this request.

To improve how advertisers create and manage their audiences, Customer File Custom Audiences that have not been used in any active ad sets in over two years will be flagged for deletion on a rolling basis. You will need to provide us with your instructions before we take any action. Once audiences are moved to the “Expiring Audience” stage and flagged, you will need to provide your instructions by either using the flagged audience in an active ad set, which we will consider an instruction to retain the audience, or by deciding not to use the flagged audience in an active ad set, which we will consider an instruction to delete the audience. For more information, see the Custom Audiences Overview documentation.

If you share conversion events using the Conversions API, you can create a website for a custom audience without additional data uploads. However, you can continue uploading supported customer information to create a Customer File Custom Audience.

Use our new Replace API to completely remove existing users of an audience and replace them with a new set of users. An audience update made with the Replace API does not move your ad set back to the learning phase.

Build a Custom Audience

Step 1: Create an Empty Custom Audience

Specify subtype=CUSTOM and customer_file_source in your API call.

curl -X POST \ -F 'name="My new Custom Audience"' \ -F 'subtype="CUSTOM"' \ -F 'description="People who purchased on my website"' \ -F 'customer_file_source="USER_PROVIDED_ONLY"' \ -F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/customaudiences
'use strict'; const bizSdk = require('facebook-nodejs-business-sdk'); const AdAccount = bizSdk.AdAccount; const CustomAudience = bizSdk.CustomAudience; const access_token = '<ACCESS_TOKEN>'; const app_secret = '<APP_SECRET>'; const app_id = '<APP_ID>'; const id = '<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>'; const api = bizSdk.FacebookAdsApi.init(access_token); const showDebugingInfo = true; // Setting this to true shows more debugging info. if (showDebugingInfo) { api.setDebug(true); } const logApiCallResult = (apiCallName, data) => { console.log(apiCallName); if (showDebugingInfo) { console.log('Data:' + JSON.stringify(data)); } }; let fields, params; fields = [ ]; params = { 'name' : 'My new Custom Audience', 'subtype' : 'CUSTOM', 'description' : 'People who purchased on my website', 'customer_file_source' : 'USER_PROVIDED_ONLY', }; const customaudiences = (new AdAccount(id)).createCustomAudience( fields, params ); logApiCallResult('customaudiences api call complete.', customaudiences);
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; use FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount; use FacebookAds\Object\CustomAudience; use FacebookAds\Api; use FacebookAds\Logger\CurlLogger; $access_token = '<ACCESS_TOKEN>'; $app_secret = '<APP_SECRET>'; $app_id = '<APP_ID>'; $id = '<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>'; $api = Api::init($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token); $api->setLogger(new CurlLogger()); $fields = array( ); $params = array( 'name' => 'My new Custom Audience', 'subtype' => 'CUSTOM', 'description' => 'People who purchased on my website', 'customer_file_source' => 'USER_PROVIDED_ONLY', ); echo json_encode((new AdAccount($id))->createCustomAudience( $fields, $params )->exportAllData(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
from facebook_business.adobjects.adaccount import AdAccount from facebook_business.adobjects.customaudience import CustomAudience from facebook_business.api import FacebookAdsApi access_token = '<ACCESS_TOKEN>' app_secret = '<APP_SECRET>' app_id = '<APP_ID>' id = '<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>' FacebookAdsApi.init(access_token=access_token) fields = [ ] params = { 'name': 'My new Custom Audience', 'subtype': 'CUSTOM', 'description': 'People who purchased on my website', 'customer_file_source': 'USER_PROVIDED_ONLY', } print AdAccount(id).create_custom_audience( fields=fields, params=params, )
import*; import; import java.util.Arrays; public class SAMPLE_CODE_EXAMPLE { public static void main (String args[]) throws APIException { String access_token = \"<ACCESS_TOKEN>\"; String app_secret = \"<APP_SECRET>\"; String app_id = \"<APP_ID>\"; String id = \"<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>\"; APIContext context = new APIContext(access_token).enableDebug(true); new AdAccount(id, context).createCustomAudience() .setName(\"My new Custom Audience\") .setSubtype(CustomAudience.EnumSubtype.VALUE_CUSTOM) .setDescription(\"People who purchased on my website\") .setCustomerFileSource(CustomAudience.EnumCustomerFileSource.VALUE_USER_PROVIDED_ONLY) .execute(); } }
require 'facebook_ads' access_token = '<ACCESS_TOKEN>' app_secret = '<APP_SECRET>' app_id = '<APP_ID>' id = '<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>' FacebookAds.configure do |config| config.access_token = access_token config.app_secret = app_secret end ad_account = FacebookAds::AdAccount.get(id) customaudiences = ad_account.customaudiences.create({ name: 'My new Custom Audience', subtype: 'CUSTOM', description: 'People who purchased on my website', customer_file_source: 'USER_PROVIDED_ONLY', })



enum string

Describes how the customer information in your Custom Audience was originally collected.

    Advertisers collected information directly from customers
    Advertisers sourced information directly from partners (e.g., agencies or data providers)
    Advertisers collected information directly from customers and it was also sourced from partners (e.g., agencies)


Custom Audience name


Custom Audience description


Type of Custom Audience

Step 2: Specify a List of Users

Use a POST API call to the /{audience_id}/users endpoint to specify the list of users you want to add to your Custom Audience.



JSON Object

Use the session parameter to track if a specific batch of users has been uploaded.
If you have an upload with more than 10,000 users, you need to split it into separate batches; each request can take up to 10,000 users.



JSON Object

Includes schema and data.



Data Processing Options for US Users

If you want to enable Limited Data Use for people in California via customer list custom audiences on or after June 1, 2023, you must upload new audiences or update your existing audiences with the Limited Data Use flag. Regularly update and maintain your audiences and people’s Limited Data Use statuses as needed.

Please note that a Limited Data Use flag applied to a user in one audience will not automatically carry over to different audiences. In the same way advertisers must manage each of their existing customer list custom audiences separately by the criteria they select, the Limited Data Use flag must be applied separately to each audience they leverage for their advertising.

To explicitly NOT enable LDU for the record, you can either send an empty data_processing_options array or remove the field in the payload. Example of an empty array:

   "payload": {
       "schema": [
       "data": [

To explicitly enable LDU, and have Meta perform geolocation (by not including state and country of the given record), specify an array containing LDU for each record:

   "payload": {
       "schema": [
       "data": [

To enable LDU and manually specify the location:

    "customer_consent": true,
    "payload": {
        "schema": [
        "data": [

session Fields


positive 64-bit integer

Identifier used to track the session. This number must be generated by the advertiser and unique within a specific ad account.

positive integer

Number to identify the request listed in the current session. This number must be sequential and start from 1.



Indicate to our systems that all batches for the ongoing Replace session have been provided. When set to true, the current request is the last one from the current session, and we don't accept any further batches for that session. If you don't send this flag, we automatically terminate the session 90 minutes after we receive your first batch. Any batch received after 90 minutes is also discarded. You must mark the last request to let Meta know that this is the last batch.


Estimated total number of users to be uploaded in this session. This field is used to improve this session's processing.


A successful response includes a JSON object with the following fields:


numeric string

Audience identifier


Session ID you passed in


Total number of users received in this session so far


Number of entries sent with incorrect hashing. Those entries did not return a match and are not added to the custom audience. This is not an exact number, but it represents the number range of users that did not match.

JSON Array of String or Map {string: string}

Up to 100 samples of invalid entries found in the current request

Learn more about sharing your Custom Audience with business objects.

Remove Audience Members

Use a DELETE API call to the /{audience_id}/users endpoint to specify the list of users you want to remove from your Custom Audience.

curl -X DELETE \
  --data-urlencode 'payload={ 
    "schema": "EMAIL_SHA256", 
    "data": [ 
  }' \
  -d 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \<VERSION>/<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>/users

Or, you can add the method parameter and set it to DELETE in the POST request used to add audience members.

You can remove people from a list with EXTERN_ID, if available.

curl -X DELETE \
  --data-urlencode 'payload={ 
    "schema": "EXTERN_ID", 
    "data": [ 
  }' \
  -d 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \<VERSION>/<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>/users

You can remove a list of people from all custom audiences across your ad account using this endpoint.

There may be some reasons why this information is not processed. For example, if the ad account is not owned by a business portfolio, you have not yet accepted the Custom Audience Terms, or the information does not match with a user.

To remove an Accounts Center account, include the same fields as in user update and make a HTTP DELETE call to:<API_VERSION>/act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/usersofanyaudience

Multi-Key Matching

To increase the match rate for your records, provide multiple keys in an array of individual keys; for example, [EXTERN_ID, LN, FN, EMAIL]. While you don't need to hash EXTERN_ID, you must hash all personally identifying information, such as emails and names. For details, see Hashing and Normalizing Data.

You can provide some or all multi-keys for a record. For details, see multi-key extern id matching.

Add Users with Multi-Key Matches

curl \
  -F 'payload={ 
    "schema": [ 
    "data": [ 
  }' \
  -F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \<VERSION>/<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>/users


If you use the PAGEUID key, you must also include a list of page IDs. You can only send us one PAGEUID, which should be an array with one element.

curl -X POST \
  -F 'payload={
       "schema": [
       "is_raw": "true",
       "page_ids": [
       "data": [
     }' \
  -F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \<VERSION>/<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>/users

Hashing and Normalization for Multi-Key

You must hash data as SHA256; we don't support other hashing mechanisms. This is required for all data except External Identifiers, App User IDs, Page Scoped User IDs and Mobile Advertiser IDs.

Before you hash your data, normalize it so we can handle it. Only First name (FN) and Last Name (LN) support special characters and non-Roman alphabets. For the best match results, provide the Roman alphabet translation with no special characters.

Please download this CSV file

for examples of properly normalized and hashed data for the parameters below.

Download (Right-click > Save Link As)

criteria: email addresses

Hashing required
Trim leading and trailing white space, and convert all characters to lowercase.

criteria: phone numbers

Hashing required
Remove symbols, letters, and any leading zeroes. You should prefix the country code if the COUNTRY field is not specified.

criteria: gender

Hashing required
Use these values: m for male, f for female.

criteria: birth year

Hashing required
Use the YYYY format: 1900 to the current year.

criteria: birth month

Hashing required
Use the MM format: 01 to 12.

criteria: birthday

Hashing required
Use the DD format: 01 to 31.

LN and FN
criteria: last and first names

Hashing required
Use a-z only. Lowercase only, no punctuation. Special characters in UTF-8 format.

criteria: first name initial

Hashing required
Use a-z only. Lowercase only. Special characters in UTF-8 format.

criteria: US states

Hashing required
Use the 2-character ANSI abbreviation code, lowercase. Normalize states outside the US in lowercase, with no punctuation, no special characters, and no white space.

criteria: city

Hashing required
Use a-z only. Lowercase only, with no punctuation, no special characters, and no white space.

criteria: zip code

Hashing required
Use lowercase, and no white space. For the US, use only the first 5 digits. For the UK, use the Area/District/Sector format.

criteria: country code

Hashing required

Use lowercase, 2-letter country codes in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

criteria: mobile advertiser ID

Do not hash

Use all lowercase, and keep hyphens.


Provide SHA256 values for normalized keys and HEX representations of this value, using lowercase for A through F. The hash function in PHP converts normalized emails and phone numbers.


hash("sha256", "")


hash("sha256", "15559876543")


External Identifiers

You can match people for an audience with your own identifiers, known as External Identifiers (EXTERN_ID). This can be any unique ID from the advertiser, such as loyalty membership IDs, user IDs, and external cookie IDs.

While you don't need to hash this ID, you must hash all Personally Identifying Information (PII) that you send with the EXTERN_IDs.

For better matching, you should also use the exact format when you send the IDs. For example, if you choose to hash using SHA256, make sure to use the same hashed value.

You can use these IDs as individual keys to delete people from Custom Audiences or create new Custom Audiences. This way you don't need to re-upload any other matching keys. If you tag someone with hashed personal information and EXTERN_ID, we give EXTERN_ID lower precedence when we match them with people on Facebook.

The data retention period for EXTERN_ID is 90 days.

You can reuse the EXTERN_ID mapping to build customer file custom audiences within a single ad account.

If you have an audience of EXTERN_ID fields in your ad account, create a new audience with just these identifiers.

curl \
  -F 'payload={"schema":"EXTERN_ID","data":["<ID>","<ID>"]}' \
  -F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \<VERSION>/<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>/users

You can also add people tagged EXTERN_ID and with multi-key matching.

curl \
  -F 'payload={ 
    "schema": [ 
    "data": [ 
  }' \
  -F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \<VERSION>/<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>/users

We support EXTERN_ID parameters for individual ad accounts. We cannot use values from one ad account for any other ad accounts, even if the accounts belong to the same entity.

Replace Users API

The /<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>/usersreplace endpoint allows you to perform 2 actions with one API call:

  • Completely remove existing users from a specific audience
  • Replace those users with a new set of users.

Using the /<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>/usersreplace endpoint allows you to automatically delete all existing users rather than having to upload a list of users you want to delete. This endpoint does not reset your ad set's learning phase when an audience is part of active ad sets unlike POST or DELETE API calls to the /<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>/users endpoint.

The Replace Users API only works with audiences that meet the following requirements:

  • The number of users in place before running a replace process must be smaller than 100 million. If your audience is larger than 100 million, we suggest leveraging the /<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>/users endpoint to add and remove users.
  • Subtype must be set to CUSTOM.
  • You cannot replace a value-based customer file custom audience with a non-value based customer file custom audience, or vice-versa.

Get Started

Before you start a replace process, we recommend the following:

  • Make sure your audience’s operation_status is Normal.

You cannot perform a replace operation if there is one already being executed.

  • Don't add or remove users via /<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>/users during an ongoing replace operation via /<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>/usersreplace. If you try performing a second replace operation before the first is completed, you will receive a message indicating a replace operation is already in progress.

  • The maximum duration window for 1 replace session is 90 minutes. The API will reject any batches for a session received after 90 minutes from the time the session started. If you need to send batches for a duration longer than 90 minutes, wait until the replace operation for that session is done, then use the /<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE>/users endpoint’s add operation for the rest of your uploads.

  • Once your audience is ready, specify the list of users you want to replace with your custom audience using a POST call to /<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>/usersreplace.

    • Once you start the replacement progress, your audience’s operation_status switches to replace_in_progress.
    • If your replacement operation is incomplete, your audience’s operation_status switches to replace_error.

Call Parameters

You can include the following parameters in your POST call to /<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>/usersreplace:



Type: JSON object


Used to track if a specific batch of users has been uploaded. Must include a session ID and batch information. See Session Fields.

You can add up to 10,000 people to an audience at a given time. If you have more than 10,000 people, split your session into multiple batches, which should all have 1 session ID.




Type: JSON object


Used to provide the information you want to be uploaded to your audience. Must include schema and data —see Payload Fields for more information.



Session Fields



Type: 64-bit integer


Used to track the session. You must generate this identifier and the number must be unique within the same ad account.


Type: integer

Required. Must start at 1.
A new replace session starts when we receive a batch_seq of 1. We recommend not to send duplicate batches with a sequence of 1 for a given session_id.
Labeling the first batch is important; the rest of the batches of a session can be duplicates or any number except 1 because we use this parameter to identify the start of the session. All non-first batches for a session should be sent after the first batch. Consider the first batch as a trigger/pre-step for the replace operation.


Type: boolean


Indicates all batches for the ongoing Replace session have been provided. When set to true, no further batches are accepted for that session. If you do not set this flag, the session is automatically terminated 90 minutes after the first batch is received. Any batch received after 90 minutes is also discarded.


Type: integer


Estimated total number of users to be uploaded in this session. Used by our system to improve a session's processing.

Payload Fields



Type: string or JSON_Array_of_string


Specify what type of information you will provide. It can be a single key or multi-key from this list:

  • GEN
  • DOBY
  • DOBM
  • DOBD
  • LN
  • FN
  • FI
  • CT
  • ST
  • ZIP
  • ["hash1", "hash2", ...]. For example: ["PHONE", "LN”, “FN”, “ZIP”, “DOBYM"]


Type: JSON_Array


List of data corresponding to the schema.


  • If the schema is "EMAIL", the data should be a list of email sha256 hashes.
  • If the schema is a list of hashes as in the previous example, the data should be like "phone_hash_value", "LN_FN_ZIP_DOBYM".

Once you make your POST request, you get a response with the following fields:



Type: integer

Account identifier.


Type: integer

Session ID you have previously provided.


Type: integer

Total number of users received in this session so far.


Type: integer

Total number of users with invalid format or unable to be decoded. If this number is not zero, re-check your data.

invalid_entry_samples Type type: JSON string Array

Up to 100 samples of invalid entries in current request. Re-check your data.

Replace API Common Errors

All errors returned from the Replace endpoint have error code 2650. Here are some of the most common error subcodes returned, as well as guidance on how to resolve them.

Error SubCodeDescriptionWhat To Do


Audience Update In Progess

You can't replace a customer list custom audience that is in the process of being updated. Wait for the audience availability to become "Normal" and try again.


Replace Session Timed Out

You've reached the 90-minute time limit for your replace batch session. Your customer list custom audience will be replaced with what you've uploaded so far. To add more to the custom audience, wait until the replace process is finished, and then use the ADD operation.


Invalid Upload Batch for Replace

The first batch_seq was not detected. You must start your batch_seq at integer 1.


Replace Session Finished

This replace operation is already finished because you uploaded a batch with last_batch_flag==true. To add additional batches to the custom audience, wait until the replace process is finished, and then use the ADD operation.


Something Went Wrong

Your customer list was not fully updated. If your audience size is significantly differ than expected, consider trying again.


DFCA Size Not Supported For Replace

You can't replace a customer list customer audience that has a size of 100 million or more.


There are other types of audiences you can build and target, or share: