Released February 3, 2020 | Available until May 5, 2022
In addition to the changes described below, we are deprecating a number of endpoints as part of our ongoing commitments to privacy and security. These deprecations apply to version 6.0+ immediately and will apply to all versions on May 5, 2020.
This change applies to v6.0+
Webhook Event: messages
- Adjusted the way attachments type fallback
and image
with a sticker are sent.
This change applies to v6.0+ and will apply to all versions on June 30, 2020.
- This endpoint is being deprecated. For sending messages use the Send API.
This change applies to all versions.
We have introduced a new reviewable feature named Page Public Metadata Access. Page Public Metadata Access allows read-only access to the Pages Search API as well as a set of Page fields and edges that would normally require the Page Public Content Access feature. Apps that have requested only these fields and edges on Pages in the past have been automatically approved for Page Public Metadata Access and will lose approval for Page Public Content Access on May 3, 2020.
Apps affected by this change will not lose any functionality and will not require any code changes.
This change applies to all versions.
The GET /{page-id}/upcoming_changes
endppoint has been deprecated.
Facebook SDK for Android v6.0 and Facebook SDK for iOS v6.0 call version 6.0 of the Graph and Marketing APIs by default.
This change applies to v6.0+.
The GET /{user-id}/promotable_domains
edge has been deprecated.
Released February 3, 2020 | Extended to February 8, 2021
For Marketing API, v6.0, there are no new features or deprecations. We continue to encourage ads developers to migrate calls to version 6.0 in advance of the version 5.0 deprecation on September 28, 2020.