This document shows you how to create and customize a Meta app with the Run ads to promote your app use case in the App Dashboard.
This guide assumes that you have read and implemented the requirements for creating an app with Meta.
There are a number of ways to create an app.
To run ads, you are required to connect a business portfolio to your app. However, you can connect a business now or at any time during the development process.
In this step, you will review:
You will be redirected to the Dashboard with the following list of action items for App customization and requirements:
Click Run ads to promote your app. The dashboard will refresh to the Account and platform settings.
If you haven't already added a business portfolio to your app, or would like to change thebusiness portfolio connect to your app, click + Business Portfolio to add, update, or create one.
A pop-up window will appear showing a dropdown of business portfolios that you have full control and that can be connected to your app.
Add at least one ad account ID or click Go to Business Settings to create an ad account.
To go to the testing section of the dashboard, you can do one of the following:
Click Go to Events Manager. A new window will open with the Events Manager open to your app.
Learn more about the Events Manager test events tool.
The dashboard will refresh to display your app’s rate limit usage, required actions, and a link to the Ads Manager.
With your use case set up complete, you’re ready to create your first app promotion ad campaign. In the What’s next? section, click Go to Ads Manager to create an ad campaign for your app.
Learn more about the Ads Manager.
If, at any point, you want to change your app’s use case settings, you can return to your dashboard, click Use cases in the left side menu and click Customize.
Visit the following to learn more about the app development process: