Android Bidding Kit Version
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W 
Represents an auction that supports AB testing.
This is an ABTest, which is going to partition the users in multiple ABTestSegments The partitioned groups should be equal in size Ex: 50/50
This is an ABTestSegment, which is used to identify a certain segment.
addAuctionId(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
addBidder(ABTestSegment, Bidder) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.abtesting.ABAuction.Builder
Adds a bidder to the auction and associates it with a certain segment.
addBidder(Bidder) - Method in class
This adds bidder to a given Auction This bidder will then participate in the auction when calling startAuction
addCpmCentsData(String, double) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
addCpmCentsData(String, String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
addDatabaseId(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
addError(String, String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
addException(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Adds to the headers that will be sent with each request from this client instance.
addLatencyMs(String, long) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
addLatencyMs(String, String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
addResultData(String, String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
AndroidHttpClient() - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
APPLOVIN_BIDDER - Static variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.biddingConstants
Represents a bidder connected to AppLovin's endpoint, to which you can provide a set of parameters.
This is an Auction, to which you can provide segments and bidders.
This is an AuctionListener, which is a parameter of startAuction/startABAuction.
Represents a bidder able to retrieve bids in real-time from a given demand source All bidders should implement this interface.
biddingConstants() - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.biddingConstants
This is the BiddingKit initialization class
BiddingKit() - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.bridge.BiddingKit
This is solely for the use of other packages within the Facebook Ads Bidding Kit SDK for Android.
BiddingKitSdkVersion() - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.bridge.BiddingKitSdkVersion
BkLog() - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.BkLog
build() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.abtesting.ABAuction.Builder
Creates an object of type ABAuction from ABAuction.Builder
build() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder.Builder
build() - Method in class
Creates an object of type ABAuction from Auction.Builder
BUILD - Static variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.bridge.BiddingKitSdkVersion
build() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
build() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder.Builder
Builder(ABTest) - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.abtesting.ABAuction.Builder
Builder(String, String, AppLovinAdFormat, String) - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder(String, String, FacebookAdBidFormat, String) - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
Builder(String, String, TapjoyAdFormat, String) - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder.Builder
buildWithNotifier() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
com.facebook.biddingkit.abtesting - package com.facebook.biddingkit.abtesting
com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin - package com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin - package
com.facebook.biddingkit.bidders - package com.facebook.biddingkit.bidders
com.facebook.biddingkit.bridge - package com.facebook.biddingkit.bridge
com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder - package com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder
com.facebook.biddingkit.gen - package com.facebook.biddingkit.gen
com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client - package com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client
com.facebook.biddingkit.http.util - package com.facebook.biddingkit.http.util
com.facebook.biddingkit.logging - package com.facebook.biddingkit.logging
com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy - package com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy
com.facebook.biddingkit.utils - package com.facebook.biddingkit.utils
com.facebook.biddingkit.waterfall - package com.facebook.biddingkit.waterfall
connectionTimeout - Variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Default 2s, deliberately short.
content - Variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpRequest
contentType - Variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpRequest
createHttpsClient() - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.util.NetworkUtilities
createWaterfallCopy() - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.waterfall.Waterfall
This method will create a copy of the existing Waterfall.
d(String, String) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.BkLog
d(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.BkLog
doHttpMethod(String, HttpMethod, String, byte[]) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
This is the method that drives each request.
e(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.BkLog
e(String, String) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.BkLog
entries() - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.waterfall.Waterfall
This method will return an Iterable of WaterfallEntry
EventLog() - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
execute(HttpRequest) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
This method wraps the call to doHttpMethod and invokes the custom error handler in case of exception.
execute(Runnable) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.utils.MultiAsyncTaskExecutor
FACEBOOK_BIDDER - Static variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.biddingConstants
Represents a bidder connected to Facebook's endpoint, to which you can provide a set of parameters.
GENERAL_EXECUTOR - Static variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.utils.MultiAsyncTaskExecutor
get(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Execute a GET request and return the response.
get(String, int) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.util.RequestSender
get() - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.utils.RandomString
getAdFormat() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder.Builder
getAdFormat() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
getAdFormat() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder.Builder
getAllBidderJson() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
getAppContext() - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.bridge.BiddingKit
getAppId() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder.Builder
getAppId() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
getAppId() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder.Builder
getAuctionId() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder.Builder
getAuctionId() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
getAuctionId() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
getAuctionId() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder.Builder
getAuctionType() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder.Builder
getAuctionType() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
getBid() - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.waterfall.WaterfallEntry
Gets a Bid, if one exists.
getBidderJsonData(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
getBidderName() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder
This method will return an unique identifier for this bidder
getBidderName() - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.bidders.Bidder
This method will return an unique identifier for this bidder
getBidderName() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder
This method will return an unique identifier for this bidder
getBidderName() - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.Bid
This method will return an unique identifier for this bidder
getBidderName() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder
This method will return an unique identifier for this bidder
getBiddingKitSource() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
getBidToken() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder.Builder
getBidToken() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
getBidToken() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder.Builder
getBody() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpResponse
getBodyAsString() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpResponse
getConfiguration() - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.bridge.BiddingKit
getContent() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpRequest
getContentType() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpRequest
getCoppa() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder.Builder
getCoppa() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
getCoppa() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder.Builder
getCpmCents(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
getCPMCents() - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.waterfall.WaterfallEntry
This method returns, for both bidders and traditional waterfall, the value of this WaterfallEntry in cents
getCurrency() - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.Bid
This method will return the currency for the current bid.
getCurrent() - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.abtesting.ABTest
This method should return the ABTestSegments you plan to use in your implementation with equal probability.
getDatabaseId() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
getDefaultInternalNotifier(String) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder
getDoInput() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpMethod
getDoOutput() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpMethod
Whether the client should do the write phase, or just read
getEntryName() - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.waterfall.WaterfallEntry
This method returns a unique identifier for each of the bidders/traditional waterfall entries
getError(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
getErrorMessage() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.http.util.HttpStatusCode
getException() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
getFirstAndSecondBidderEntries(Waterfall) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.utils.Utils
getFormatLabel() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.AppLovinAdFormat
getFormatLabel() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.FacebookAdBidFormat
getFormatLabel() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.TapjoyAdFormat
getHeaders() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpResponse
getHeight(boolean) - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.AppLovinAdFormat
getHeight() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.FacebookAdBidFormat
getHttpMethod() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpRequest
getHttpResponse() - Method in exception com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpRequestException
Access the response.
getIdfa(Context) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.utils.Utils
getImpressionId() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder.Builder
getImpressionId() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
getImpressionId() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder.Builder
getInstl() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.AppLovinAdFormat
getInstl() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.FacebookAdBidFormat
getJsonData() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
getLatencyMs(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
getLimitAdTrackingEnabled(Context) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.utils.Utils
getLinearity() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.FacebookAdBidFormat
getLmt() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder.Builder
getLmt() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
getLmt() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder.Builder
getMethodName() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpMethod
Accessor method.
getNextTimeout(int) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Implements exponential backoff using the Fibonacci series, which has the effect of backing off with a multiplier of ~1.618 (the golden mean) instead of 2, which is rather boring.
getPath() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpRequest
getPayload() - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.Bid
This method will return a payload.
getPlacementId() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
getPlacementId() - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.Bid
This method will return an unique identifier for the place where this ad will be shown It's different for different bidders.
getPlacementId() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder.Builder
getPlatformId() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder.Builder
getPlatformId() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
getPrice() - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.Bid
Gets the price offered by the current bidder
getRequestHeaders() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
getResultData(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
getRewarded() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.AppLovinAdFormat
getSecondFormatLabelLabel() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.AppLovinAdFormat
getSegment() - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.abtesting.ABTestSegment
This method should return a String identifier of the ABTestSegment you want to use.
getStatus() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpResponse
getStatusCode() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.http.util.HttpStatusCode
getStringValue() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.bidders.LossCode
getTestMode() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
getTestMode() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder.Builder
getTimeoutMS() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder.Builder
getTimeoutMS() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
getTimeoutMS() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder.Builder
getUrl() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpResponse
getValue() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.FBAdBidAuctionType
getValue(int) - Static method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.http.util.HttpStatusCode
getVideoType() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.FacebookAdBidFormat
getWidth(boolean) - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.AppLovinAdFormat
getWidth() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.FacebookAdBidFormat
handleBidResponse(BidWithNotification) - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.bidders.BidResponseCallback
This method has as a parameter the bid received from the server for the given bidder
handleBidResponseFailure(String) - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.bidders.BidResponseCallback
This method has as a parameter the reason why we could not get a bid
An HTTP GET request.
HttpGet(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpGet
Constructs an HTTP GET request.
Enumerated type that represents an HTTP request method.
httpMethod - Variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpRequest
An HTTP POST request.
HttpPost(String, Map<String, String>, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpPost
Constructs an HTTP POST request with arbitrary content.
Holds data for an HTTP request to be made with the attached HTTP client.
HttpRequest(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpRequest
Constructs a request with optional params appended to the query string.
Custom exception class that holds an HttpResponse.
HttpRequestException(Exception, HttpResponse) - Constructor for exception com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpRequestException
Constructs the exception with
Minimal representation of the raw HTTP response copied from HttpURLConnection.
HttpResponse(HttpURLConnection, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpResponse
IMPRESSION_ID - Static variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder.Builder
IMPRESSION_ID - Static variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
init(Context) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.bridge.BiddingKit
Initialises the BiddingKit SDK This should be called before calling any other bidding kit methods.
init(Context, String) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.bridge.BiddingKit
Initialises the BiddingKit SDK This should be called before calling any other bidding kit methods.
initialize(Context, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.Logging
insert(WaterfallEntry) - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.waterfall.Waterfall
This method will insert a WaterfallEntry into the Waterfall.
insert(Bid) - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.waterfall.Waterfall
This method will insert a WaterfallEntry into the Waterfall from the given Bid.
isBidder(String) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.biddingConstants
isDebugBuild() - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.bridge.BiddingKit
isDebugBuild() - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.Logging
isLandscape(Context) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.utils.Utils
isRecoverable(HttpRequestException) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
isRewarded() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.TapjoyAdFormat
isSandboxUrl() - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.util.NetworkUtilities
isSkippable() - Method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.TapjoyAdFormat
isTimeoutException(Throwable, long) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Determines whether an exception was due to a timeout.
K is solely for the use of other packages within the Facebook Ads SDK for Android.
Logging() - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.Logging
mBidderData - Variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder
mBidderData - Variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder
mBidderData - Variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder
mConfiguration - Variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder
mConfiguration - Variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder
NAME - Static variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder
NAME - Static variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder
NAME - Static variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder
NetworkUtilities() - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.util.NetworkUtilities
notifyBidderWinner(String, Waterfall, String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder
notifyBidderWinner(String, Waterfall, String) - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.bidders.InternalAuctionBidderWithNotifier
notifyBidderWinner(String, Waterfall) - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.bidders.Notifier
This method will notify the bidder to which this notifier belongs to about the current winner of the bidder auction
notifyBidderWinner(String, Waterfall, String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder
notifyBidderWinner(String, Waterfall, String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder
notifyBidderWinner(String, Waterfall) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyNotifier
notifyDisplayWinner(WaterfallEntry) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.abtesting.ABAuction
Must be called just before an ad is displayed.
notifyDisplayWinner(String, WaterfallEntry, String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder
notifyDisplayWinner(WaterfallEntry) - Method in class
Must be called just before an ad is displayed.
notifyDisplayWinner(String, WaterfallEntry) - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.bidders.Notifier
This method will notify the bidder to which this notifier belongs to about the bidder that has been displayed - Ex: Bidders that won the auction might timeout or crash
notifyDisplayWinner(String, WaterfallEntry, String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder
notifyDisplayWinner(String, WaterfallEntry, String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder
notifyDisplayWinner(String, WaterfallEntry) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyNotifier
notifyLoss() - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.BidWithNotification
Must be called just before an ad is displayed if the bidder lost.
notifyWin() - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.BidWithNotification
Must be called just before an ad is displayed if the bidder won.
onAuctionCompleted(Waterfall) - Method in interface
This method will be called when the Auction/ABAuction is completed
openConnection(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Validates a URL and opens a connection.
path - Variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpRequest
post(String, String, byte[]) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Execute a POST request with a chunk of data and return the response.
post(String, int, String) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.util.RequestSender
prepareConnection(HttpURLConnection, HttpMethod, String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
processUrl(WaterfallEntry) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyNotifier
com.facebook.bidding.internal is solely for the use of other packages within the Facebook Ads SDK Bidding Kit for Android.
RandomString() - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.utils.RandomString
readErrorStream(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Reads the error stream to get an HTTP status code like 404.
readInputStream(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Reads the input stream.
readTimeout - Variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Default 8s, reasonably short if accidentally called from the UI thread.
requestBid(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder
This method will return the bid received from the server for the AppLovinBidder
requestBid(String) - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.bidders.InternalAuctionBidderWithNotifier
This method will return the bid received from the server for the given bidder
requestBid(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder
This method will return the bid received from the server for the FacebookBidder
requestBid(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder
This method will return the bid received from the server for the TapjoyBidder
com.facebook.bidding.internal is solely for the use of other packages within the Facebook Ads SDK Bidding Kit for Android.
RequestSender() - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.util.RequestSender
retrieveBidWithNotificationCompleted(BidResponseCallback) - Method in interface com.facebook.biddingkit.bidders.BidderWithNotifier
This method will have the bid received from the server for the given bidder as a parameter
retrieveBidWithNotificationCompleted(BidResponseCallback) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder
saveEvent() - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.EventLog
SCHEDULED_EXECUTOR - Static variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.utils.MultiAsyncTaskExecutor
setAuctionId(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder.Builder
setAuctionId(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
setAuctionId(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder.Builder
setAuctionType(FBAdBidAuctionType) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
Sets the auction type for the given bidder.
setBid(TapjoyBid) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyNotifier
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Sets the connection timeout in ms.
setCoppa(boolean) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.applovin.AppLovinBidder.Builder
This method sets the Flag indicating if this request is subject to the COPPA regulations established by the USA FTC for the given bidder
setCoppa(boolean) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
This method sets the Flag indicating if this request is subject to the COPPA regulations established by the USA FTC for the given bidder
setCoppa(boolean) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder.Builder
This method sets the Flag indicating if this request is subject to the COPPA regulations established by the USA FTC for the given bidder
setDebugBuild(boolean) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.bridge.BiddingKit
setDebugBuild(boolean) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.logging.Logging
setMaxRetries(int) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Set maximum number of retries to attempt, capped at 18.
setPinnedCertificates(Set<String>) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Set the valid certificates to pin this connection against.
setPinnedPublicKeys(Set<String>) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Set the valid public keys to pin this connection against.
setPlatformId(String) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
This method sets the platformID for the given bidder
setReadTimeout(int) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Sets the read timeout in ms, which begins after connection has been made.
setTestMode(boolean) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.facebook.bidder.FacebookBidder.Builder
Sets test mode for the given bidder Marks this request as a test request and these requests won't be considered as real traffic.
setTestMode(boolean) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyBidder.Builder
Sets test mode for the given bidder Marks this request as a test request and these requests won't be considered as real traffic.
setTestSegment(String) - Method in class
startABAuction(Waterfall, AuctionListener) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.abtesting.ABAuction
Starts running the AB Auction with the bidders that correspond to the segment defined by abTestABTest.getCurrent().
startAuction(Waterfall, AuctionListener) - Method in class
Starts running the Auction with the given bidders Bidder.
TAPJOY_BIDDER - Static variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.biddingConstants
Represents a bidder connected to Tapjoy's endpoint, to which you can provide a set of parameters.
TapjoyNotifier(String) - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.tapjoy.TapjoyNotifier
tryMany(HttpRequest) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Tries several times until successful or maxRetries exhausted.
URLENCODED - Static variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpRequest
UTF8 - Variable in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
For internal use only.
Utils() - Constructor for class com.facebook.biddingkit.utils.Utils
validatePinning(HttpsURLConnection, Set<String>, Set<String>) - Static method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.KeyPinningValidator
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.bidders.LossCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.AppLovinAdFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.FacebookAdBidFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.FBAdBidAuctionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.TapjoyAdFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.http.util.HttpStatusCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.bidders.LossCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.AppLovinAdFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.FacebookAdBidFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.FBAdBidAuctionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.gen.TapjoyAdFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.HttpMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.facebook.biddingkit.http.util.HttpStatusCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Represents a waterfall and used as a bridge between mediation systems to bidding.
Represents a single entry within a Waterfallobject.
writeOutputStream(HttpURLConnection, byte[]) - Method in class com.facebook.biddingkit.http.client.AndroidHttpClient
Writes the request to the server.