All links are not generating preview images on Facebook. It's a Wordpress site running on Linux Servers.
(see attachment) which makes me think it may be on the Facebook side.facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
per but the page renders fine.Thanks in advance for any help or insights!
we are having the same problem with
How did you resolve this? Your site appears to be running fine again
There was a problem on the sul certificate we changed the configuration on the server
I am having same error.
If I disable a few plugins, the error disappears, ADvanced Ads, and Allinone SEO.
Am running multisite and on Cloudways using Cloudflare with 8GB ram for environment.
This is new, it always worked in past. The only new thing is I moved to Multisite
Sounds like maybe it’s related to performance? You think if the response is too slow it sends 418?
I am getting the same, response code 418 with no image preview from Apache2 server on Ubuntu. This use to work fine, I thought it stopped after upgrading my server to Ubuntu 20.06.4 but I now think that's a red herring. If I upload the same content to my other server (also running Apache2 on Linux) it scrapes fine, returning HTTP 200, but on my Ubuntu server it returns 418.
Using a custom user agent: facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+ the server returns HTTP/1.1 200 OK so the 418 code must be generated by the Facebook scraper itself?
This really needs to be fixed as Facebook sharing is important for my sites.
I had this issue for weeks. Was able to resolve it today finally.
Looks like SSL certificate can cause this issue if not installed properly. Missing certificate chain can cause trust issues and crawlers ends up getting 418 code.
If you check here [] , it'll tell you certificate is not trusted in all browsers. While this doesn't human visitors, FB's crawlers seem to dislike it.
Please try re installing SSL certificate including CA bundle and see if that helps.
Same with my case. Thank a lot.