Facebook in-app browser links differently to charity ads


For a charity organisation ads are put onto Facebook and users are asked to donate. With the "Donate now" button it seems that with different phones users may be redirected to the Facebook in-app browser or the native browser of the mobile.

With a "Learn more"-button that initially leads to a CTA to buy lottery tickets for this charity, it doesn't seem to be possible to link to the native browser.

The issue with tracking and firing pixels is that it may happen that users choose a payment types which will lead users through their bank app for payment. These users are then directed to a thank you page on their native browsers. When this happens, the users will be regarded as two different visitors and from analytics perspective and ads perspective. We can't link the events within the Facebook in-app browser to the thank you page. Which means we can't attribute the conversions.

We've been looking online for documentation but there isn't much to find. Sorry for the long post, but can someone help us out with what is possible and what's not. As long as the whole flow will remain within one browser, there's no issue.


Asked about 4 years ago