Major Outageshare-external
OpenGraph - Provided og:image URL could not be processed as an image. It may be corrupted or may have an invalid format.

Issue with sharing a URl to Facebook and Threads.

When I use the debugger, I receive the error:

Provided og:image URL, could not be processed as an image. It may be corrupted or may have an invalid format.

The image is a valid WebP. I've also tried it with a valid JPEG which also gave an error.

The URl is and the HTML is:

<meta name="twitter:image" property="og:image" content=";w=600&amp;q=60&amp;output=webp&amp;il">
<meta property="og:image:type" content="image/webp">
<meta property="og:image:width" content="600">

Every other OGP tool reports that the image is valid. For example

There are no blocks in the robots.txt, the image is being served correctly by CloudFlare, the image filesize and dimensions are within the allowable range, the URl is properly formed.

Please can you let me know what can be done to resolve this bug?

Asked about a month ago
Selected Answer

Seems like you have fixed the problem? The Content-Type in the header when fetching the image from source url in the og tag seemed to be image/jpeg

November 18 at 4:30 PM