Conversions API : Test events not showing in the Event Manager


We are currently trying to implement the Conversions API.

We are having troubles seeing the test events in the Event Manager, even though the test event seems to be received.

I followed the video tutorial on this page :

When I send the event from the graph explorer, nothing appears in the Test event tab

Can you help me please ?

Thanks !

Silena Hu
Asked about 3 years ago
Selected Answer

Matej seems to have been able to resolve this issue and shared his solution here:

July 25 at 4:48 AM
Selected Answer

Same here.

I also tried to use Insomnia instead. The response is always 200 and along these lines:

  "events_received": 1,
  "messages": [],
  "fbtrace_id": "AhvTHXX4-J0zqKlM7HRcGXu"

Events don't get shown in the Event Manager. I also tried adding event_source_url, action_source, client_user_agent, fbp, and of course test_event_code, but unfortunately to no avail.

It seems that there are several people on StackOverflow experiencing the same issue, but without any resolutions so far: 1 2 3

July 25 at 3:03 AM

Same issue here.

August 3 at 2:16 PM

Do you have a Stackoverflow account Joseph? We could potentially point people to this thread in order to get more momentum and possible solutions / improvements up.

August 3 at 3:26 PM

I followed up below, Joseph.

August 13 at 10:57 PM

you need to put the "client_ip_address": param. Es.

"user_data": { "em": "f660ab912ec121d1b1e928a0bb4bc61b15f5ad44d5efdc4e1c92a25e99b8e44a", "client_ip_address": "", "client_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/63.0" }

August 31 at 5:13 AM

@Nicola, see my follow up answer below. The ip address shouldn't be the issue here.

August 31 at 5:21 AM

As a follow up:

If your action_source is "website" it is required to include event_source_url and client_user_agent.

client_user_agent has to be valid, in order for the test events to show up.

This here would be a user agent for testing, that works for me: "client_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36"

I would really appreciate, if the responses from the API would return something more telling than just "events_received": 1 to signal success even if the request itself was faulty and therefore doesn't show up in the test events. You could spare many developers many hours of blindly trying to get a feeling for why the test events don't fire in the events manager.

All the best and happy coding!

August 13 at 10:57 PM