Do you need to be a Business to add Login with Facebook to your iOS app now?

I am trying to add "Login with Facebook" to my iOS app. On the Facebook dashboard I am seeing this error:

Your app has standard access to public_profile. To use Facebook Login, switch public_profile to advanced access.

In order to get advanced access you need to connect a business account and have it verified... but I am an indi developer creating this app as an individual. Does that mean I can't include the ability to log in with Facebook?

It looks like this is a recent change? Or am I missing something? How are indi devs supposed to use Facebook in their apps?!

Asked about 2 years ago
Selected Answer

My app is old and now I need to verify my business but I don't have one. I do not request special permissions. public_profile only. there is no chance? With login for Facebook Games it also asks you to verify your business.

April 10 at 9:32 AM
Aaron Christian Earl

ow to get Legal Document with Business name and Contact I already send BIR.MayorsPermit. Sanitary permit,Brgy Permit. Sedula, etc but no phone number can appear to that legal documents,,

April 11 at 3:30 AM
Aaron Christian Earl

How to get Legal Document with Business name and Contact I already send BIR.MayorsPermit. Sanitary permit,Brgy Permit. Sedula, etc but no phone number can appear to that legal documents,,

April 11 at 3:30 AM

I am in the same situation, already thinking how to remove it from my app and migrate this accounts to something else. Not sure how to do it though

May 14 at 1:54 PM

Forget META! Bye Bye!

July 19 at 1:42 AM

Thank you, Facebook, for making me feel better. I can focus on ignoring Meta's products in the future.

February 1 at 9:34 PM

Found this article:

I guess the new law of the land is that indi devs can't add Facebook login to their apps unless they incorporate as an official business. That's really unfortunate.

February 23 at 8:11 AM

I have been facing the same issue and looking into what's been happening for a few days. It is terrible news that individual developers can no longer support Facebook Login for their apps. I must remove Facebook Login from my app now. Thanks for your information.

May 13 at 8:23 AM

Looking into the same issue. This company is becoming more irrelevant by the day.

May 15 at 8:51 PM

stupid facebook

August 15 at 6:47 PM

why you do this facebook?? do I need to inform thousand customers on my web that they can't use login with facebook anymore? I know they can use reset password but.. oh, it's very disappointing!

August 22 at 9:23 PM

Took me a while for reach the news. Thanks for sharing the article. My FB app is supporting for a community of leisure interest on gaming technique. It doesn't make sense to run a business just for FB single sign on. Need to find another solution.

November 4 at 7:07 AM

I've read articles that you can verify as an individual, but those articles must be old, since i can't find how to do that. Does anyone know any alternatives for handling login besides facebook (and building something)?

November 13 at 7:11 PM

congrats Meta for another failure.

November 16 at 4:56 AM

This is blocking my app so much. Even with business that just disable your business account and you still can't get this working... good job meta

November 22 at 10:09 AM