Introducing Graph API v2.11

September 29, 2017

Introducing Graph API v2.11

By Dan Xu

In the newest Graph API (v2.11), we're making updates, including changes to the Pages API and App Links Host. We support each version of the Graph API two years from the next version release so you always have two years to upgrade. Check to see how much longer we will be supporting the version of the Graph API you are running.

Pages API Updates

We're making some changes and updates to the Pages API and we want to ensure developers have the details. You can learn more about what's happening to private replies, posts and commenting, and Page access Tokens here.

Updates to Group/Videos permissions

Reading videos from a Group using GET /group/videos now requires a User access token with user_managed_groups or user_groups permissions to return video information.

App Links Host

Starting today, we will be sunsetting App Links Host. For the next 90 days, GET operations will still work, but POST will no longer be supported. On 2/6, all calls to the endpoint will fail with error.

Other Resources

For a full list of the Graph API v2.11 changes, please read our changelog. Don't forget to use the API Upgrade Tool to find out if your app will be impacted by any version changes. Learn more about how our API versions work and our two-year stability commitment.

Starting today, we are hosting a Q&A for you to ask questions about these updates on our Facebook Developer Community Group.

You can expect the next Graph API release in early 2018, and, as always, we look forward to connecting with you through the Facebook Developer Community Group.

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