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Profile Expression Kit Now Open To All Developers

September 22, 2016ByAigerim Shorman

At F8 earlier this year, we began testing the Profile Expression Kit with a small number of beta partners to let people share photos and videos created in third-party apps directly into their Facebook profiles. Starting today, Android and iOS developers worldwide can download the Profile Expression Kit SDK and integrate it into their apps.

We've designed the Profile Expression Kit so people can create fun and personality-infused Facebook profile pictures and videos in the apps they are already using to create and edit photos and videos. App developers enjoy attribution and brand awareness within News Feed every time someone uploads a profile picture or video created by their app.

Prisma, a popular photo editing and art filter app, has recently integrated the Profile Expression Kit SDK into their app to let people turn their profile pictures into art.

To get started, follow these simple steps:

  1. Read the documentation
  2. Download the SDK
  3. Integrate the SDK into your app
  4. Submit your app for review (this is a required step before the Profile Expression Kit will work)

Before Profile Expression Kit will work, your app must go through our app review process. Here are some of the things we'll look for as we consider submissions:

  • Apps that have the primary purpose of creating and editing photos or videos
  • Apps that encourage people to take selfie photos and videos with the front-facing camera
  • Apps that do not include ads or commercial content, such as logos and watermarks, in photos and videos

In addition, all apps must comply with our Profile Expression Kit Platform Policy to be accepted.

We look forward to seeing new apps using the Profile Expression Kit.