January Developer Events for Facebook and Parse

January 8, 2014

January Developer Events for Facebook and Parse

By Ash Ley

Parse and Facebook are starting off the New Year with several events in the month of January. We hope to see you at one or more of the following:

MIT Independent Activities Period – January 8-13, 2014 – Boston, MA

Parse MIT Alums Jamie Karraker, Christine Yen, Christine Abernathy, and Stanley Wang will be leading sessions, having office hours, and hosting a happy hour during MIT's winter Independent Activities Period.

Microsoft Facebook Hack - January 17-18, 2014 - Menlo Park, CA

We're excited to invite you to spend two days with Microsoft and Facebook engineers to integrate Facebook Login and other social products into your Windows and Windows Phone apps. Food will be offered and prizes will be given for the best hacks. Register today.

January NYC Parse Developer Meetup - January 22, 2014 - New York, NY

We're starting off the New Year with a Parse meetup at Offsite NYC. Join us for drinks, snacks, and great talks from the Parse team, friends, and customers. Register to join the group today for notifications on all scheduled meetup events in New York.

Global Game Jam at Facebook - January 24th - 26th - Menlo Park, CA

Facebook is hosting a site for you to hack for the 2014 Global Game Jam. Free food and transportation from San Francisco included. Get a team together to create a game in one weekend! Register today.

Happy New Year from all of us at Parse and Facebook, and we hope to see you at one or more of the events we're hosting this month.