People love sharing relevant, high quality media content on Facebook and across the web. Over the past year, we've introduced a series of updates - new Like and Share buttons, Embedded Posts, and News Feed changes - to help drive up average referral traffic to media sites by over 170% year over year. According to the latest report from Shareaholic, referral traffic from Facebook has increased by 47% over the past month alone and Facebook referrals accounted for more than 1/6 of an average site's referral traffic.
Today, we're building on this momentum by rolling out the new Like and Share buttons to everyone and introducing flexible width for Embedded Posts on the web.
In early tests over the past month after launching the new Like and Share buttons, we've seen more than a 5% lift in Likes and Share across the web. This is significant, given that both buttons are viewed over 22 billion times daily. Based on these results, we've rolled out the new design to everyone and extended it to the Follow and Like Box plugins as well.
We're making it possible for publishers to adjust the width of Embedded Posts on the desktop web. You can set the width from 350 to 750 pixels directly in the Embed Post dialog:
On mobile web, Embedded Posts now automatically scale to the width of the container.
If you haven't already, add the Like and Share buttons and Embedded Posts to your website today.