The Value of a Facebook Login User

December 3, 2013

The Value of a Facebook Login User

By Abigail Sooy

Earlier this year, we posted about the value of a Facebook logged in user for mobile games. Since then, many developers have mentioned that people who log in with Facebook are more engaged and monetize better than people who sign up through other options. Below, we've highlighted a few examples of apps that are seeing strong results from using Facebook Login.

Applauze: Facebook Login users are 27% more likely to be repeat ticket buyers

Applauze, a Parse-powered app, lets people easily discover and buy tickets for concerts, sports, and other events. Applauze found that, compared to people that use other sign up options, Facebook Login users:

  • Account for 70% of their top 100 spenders
  • Return to the app 20% more often and are 27% more likely to be repeat buyers
  • Spend more per order on average

Threadflip: Facebook Login users spend twice as much time in the app

Threadflip offers a simple and intuitive way for people to buy women's fashion. Threadflip found that Facebook Login users:

  • Spend twice as much time using the app
  • Are 38% more likely to make a purchase in their first week of using the app and 50% more likely to make a repeat purchase in their first month
  • Perform 3x as many social actions (likes, follows or comments), and are 2x more likely to invite users from their social networks
  • Have a 30% higher average lifetime value

Cooliris: Facebook Login users are 50% more likely to initiate conversations in the app

Cooliris is a personal media hub for people to view all their photos in one place and share in private groups. Cooliris found that Facebook Login users:

  • Are 50% more likely to share their photos and invite 2x more friends to groups
  • Are 50% quicker to initiate Cooliris conversations, a private messaging service within the app

Swell Radio: Facebook Login users listen and interact more

Swell Radio lets people listen to personalized news and information radio stations from their mobile device. According to Swell Radio, Facebook Login users:

  • Listen on average 8% longer per session
  • Like and bookmark tracks more frequently

Learn how you can integrate Facebook Login today and follow our Login checklist to drive up your app's sign up conversions.

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