Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

January 23, 2013

Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

By Jeff Bowen

Improved support for age-sensitive content

We’re making it easier for mobile apps and websites that use Facebook Login to restrict their content to people age 18+ and 21+. Age range has long been available for apps on Facebook.com as part of the signed request, but we’re now also making it accessible via the Graph API for all users that install your app. Apps that require users' birthdays to gate age-sensitive content can increase their install rates by using this new age_range field instead. For example, for a user who is 19 years old, you would get back:

  "age_range": {
    "max": 20,
    "min": 18,

Developer Alerts contact settings

We've updated the Developer Contact Settings to allow you to configure your Alerts. You can now select which types of Alerts can send you Facebook Notifications and emails.

New ad policy

On Tuesday, January 15th, we implemented a new ad policy that limits text overlay to 20% of the image for all ads in News Feed, including mobile app install ads. Our goal is to increase the quality of ads in News Feed by replacing text with photos and images that are more engaging to users. Please see our Ad Guidelines and Help Center for more information.

Upcoming breaking changes

As announced in November, the following changes will go into effect on February 6th, 2013:

  • End of custom actions for content consumption
  • Authenticated referrals going away
  • Create_event permission required to remove attendees from event
  • Minor change to admin.getAppProperties call
  • Canonical URLs used when fetching Open Graph objects
  • Offset no longer allowed when searching posts
  • Curly bracket syntax for mentioning users in notifications going away
  • Removing ability to post to friends walls via Graph API
  • Picture connection/field may return a dictionary

Check out the Developer Roadmap for all updates on breaking changes.

Weekly stats

The following stats are for activity between January 16th, 2013 to January 23rd, 2013:

Bugs activity

  • 238 bugs were reported
  • 97 bugs were reproducible and accepted (after duplicates removed)
  • 26 bugs were by design
  • 43 bugs were fixed
  • 121 bugs were duplicate, invalid, or need more information

Bugs fixed

Activity on facebook.stackoverflow.com

  • 276 questions asked
  • 76 questions with a score of 0 or greater
  • 27 answered, 36% answered rate
  • 50 replied, 66% reply rate

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