A new way for people to manage app activity

September 20, 2012

A new way for people to manage app activity

By Andrew Chen

Today we are launching the Shared Activity plugin, which gives people a way to control the activity they share to Facebook directly from your web app. The plugin provides a simple solution for implementing the user controls required when working with Open Graph built-in actions. From the plugin on sites such as Airbnb, people can set the default Facebook audience for activity shared from your app, or manage the settings for stories previously published to Facebook, including selecting an audience or removing it altogether.

The Shared Activity plugin lists a person's activities published from your app to Facebook including Open Graph activities, Like button stories, and comment plugin activities. For example, when an individual uses a music app, she could modify the privacy settings, through the plugin, for specific song listening activities, without needing to go back to Facebook to control what's shown. Similarly, if a person, through a travel app, likes a restaurant or reviews a hotel, and decides that these activities should only be viewable to a select group on friends on Facebook, he can control this within the plugin as well.

This gives people another way to control their sharing on Facebook, in addition to the controls on Facebook in App Settings, inline on timeline, and Activity Log. You should note, however that the plugin does not control privacy settings within your app, and should be considered complementary.

To get started, please see our documentation on the Shared Activity plugin.

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