Game Spotlight: Bingo Bash

May 24, 2012

Game Spotlight: Bingo Bash

By Zoran Martinovic

Bingo Bash from BitRhymes is a multi-player, synchronous bingo game for web and iPad. It's also coming soon to iPhone.

Bingo Bash web app

Bingo Bash iPad app

What Bingo Bash Does Well

Easily connect with friends wherever they game. Friends can easily play Bingo Bash together on web and mobile. On the iPad, Facebook Single-Sign-On streamlines the login process and gives users a social, personalized experience within the app.
Inviting friends. Bingo Bash encourages players to invite their friends to join them and even has a special "team jackpot" feature where players can win more by playing with friends.
Gifting & re-engagement. Bingo Bash uses requests to re-engage users. By encouraging gifting of desirable items like “power plays” and “coins” between players, Bingo Bash drives users back to the game to collect these gifts.

On Bingo Bash's iPad app, people who are logged in with Facebook are more engaged than other players.

  • On average, Facebook users play 30% longer and play 65% more sessions than other users.
  • These users engage more in social features and spend 80% more money on average.