How-To: Migrate your App Profile Page

February 1, 2012

How-To: Migrate your App Profile Page

By Eric Osgood

In December, we announced that we will be deprecating App Profile Pages on Feburary 1st. Many developers have asked for some tips on how to smoothly migrate their page. Below are some common issues, questions, and pro-tips for how to handle.

What happens when users go to my deprecated App Profile Page?

We recommend updating any links that you've shared to your App Profile Page to point to your new target Page. Existing links to the old App Profile Page will go to the following destinations, in this order:

  1. Canvas (if you have specified a Canvas URL for your app)
  2. Page (if you have associated a Page with your app)
  3. Website (if you have a Website URL)
  4. Facebook Homepage (if none of the above has been specified)

What happens to my Likes?

When you migrate to a target Page, your Likes will transfer. You can view the number of Likes that your app has via the Insights tab in the Developer App. Please allow 14 days for the complete transfer to take place.

What about the Vanity URL for my App Profile Page?

The Vanity URL for your App Profile Page will get transferred to the target Page if the Page doesn't already have a Vanity URL. If a Vanity URL already exists for the target Page, the Vanity URL for the App Profile Page will now go to the app (see above).

Why don't I see any eligible target Pages to choose from?

We've seen the following common mistakes:

  • Target Page does not have the same name as the app
  • Target Page is not set to the "Products/App" category

When is the last day to migrate Likes?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 6:00pm Pacific Time.

What about existing content on my App Profile Page (Page Posts, Photos, Events, etc.)?

You will lose this content if you don't save it manually. This content is accessible via the Graph API with any valid access token.


To retrieve a list of your Page's photos albums (example):


To get a list of all the photos in the album (example):



To access the Page's status updates (example):


To access the Page's wall (example):


To access the Page's own posts (example):


Click here to review the Page documentation.


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