The Reviews application is provided on your application’s About page by Facebook, as a venue for user comments and ratings. If you’re listed as a developer on a particular application, you’re technologically blocked from posting a review there. Also, as noted on the Developer wiki, “[a]pplication developers cannot trade positive reviews or collude with others to post, incentivize, or otherwise ‘game’ the posting of negative or positive reviews. Applications should stand on their own merits based on user feedback, not insider quid pro quos.”
To help you build high-quality applications, Facebook allows developers to create officially registered test accounts. Any reviews posted by these accounts are invisible outside the test network and friends, and do not influence the posted Reviews score. While any regular user account can review any application for which that account is not a listed developer, please remember Facebook’s longstanding policy that every non-test account must be held by a real person using his or her actual name and holding no other non-test Facebook account.
When we discover fake accounts, we delete them to preserve the integrity of the Facebook community, and sometimes take further action. Of course, use of fake accounts by developers (or those acting as their proxy) to manipulate the review system is prohibited, and subject to policy enforcement measures such as a moratorium.
We appreciate your reports of review abuse (lodged through the “Report” link below every review). They help Facebook guard against inappropriate posts.
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